Balance reference in reconciliation transactions

The purpose of the Sort Position field in the Integration Transactions (tfgld4582m000) and Reconciliation Transactions (tfgld4595m000) sessions is to sort the data. The field was also used as the basis for final acceptance for certain reconciliation groups, but this was not easy to understand.

The Balance Reference field has now been added as the basis for reconciliation and final acceptance. This new field is filled when integration- and reconciliation transactions are logged for reconciliation groups that have the Basis for Final Acceptance field set to Business Object + Balance Reference. The values Business Object + Sort Position and Business Object + Business Object Reference have been expired for the Basis for Final Acceptance field.

For existing data, the Balance Reference field must be updated to use it as the basis for reconciliation. The field must be updated before reconciliation data is accepted or currency differences are calculated. To update the existing data, the new Update Balance Reference (tfgld4295m800) session can be used.