Shipment validation

Automotive Shipment processes require that goods are packed and labeled according to the packaging instructions prescribed by the OEM. Additionally, the shipment paperwork must be correct and the Advance Shipping Notice (ASN) must represent the truck load to a full extend. If these conditions are met, the goods receipt can be handled efficiently and the internal material flow at the OEM can be managed as required.

The overall goal is to model the logistic flow as lean as possible and to ensure a high process reliability. To avoid any disruptions in the logistic processes, the supplier must follow the rules and regulations of the OEM regarding shipments.

Shipment Validation functionality has now been added to verify if Industry- and OEM-specific requirements are met before shipments can be confirmed and leave the warehouse. The checks can be initiated from the Actions menu in the Shipments session.

The checks are based on a validation framework, which can be maintained in a flexible way. For this purpose, these sessions are now available in the menu under Warehousing > Master Data > Miscellaneous:

  • Validation Rules (whwmd1150m000)
  • Validation Rules by Business Partner (whwmd1155m000)
  • Shipment validation Log (whinh4521m000)

If the new Shipment Validation check box is selected in the Warehousing Order Types (whinh0610m000) session, shipment validation is a mandatory step in the shipment execution process.