To define adjust targets when copying targets

To define the methods to adjust targets when copying existing targets for new time periods.

The method to adjust the target for defined periods are:

The possible values of Adjust Targets are:

  • Tighten: The targets must be decreased.
  • Release: The targets must be increased
  • No: No changes in the targets

Enter the percentage to be adjusted.

Note: The percentage field is disabled when the Adjust Targets value is set to No.

Define the method to implement the percentage.

The possible values are:

  • Single
  • Growing
  • Growing (Progressive)

How to use the methods:

Example The following periods and targets are present in the Item Quality Statistics (qmptc1140m000) session:

Period Description Target
1 January 100
2 February 100
3 March 100
4 April 100

Example If the targets must go down, you set the Adjust Targets status to Tighten. The percentage is defined as 10% for the next 3 periods and the source period is January. For each method the results will be as follows:

Single - The target will be:

Period Description Target
1 January 100
2 February 90
3 March 90
4 April 90

The base period is January and hence not updated. Based on the defined percentage, all the selected periods get the value 90. This is a one time calculation and the value is implemented for all the periods within the selection.

Growing - If the targets must down by 10% for every period, the target will be:

Period Description Target
1 January 100
2 February 90
3 March 80
4 April 70

The base period is January and hence not updated. This is a one time calculation and the value is implemented for each consecutive period. The previous period is used as base point, so when calculating for the period March, the target of period for February is used, which is 90 – 10 = 80.

Growing (Progressive) - the target will be:

Period Description Target
1 January 100
2 February 90
3 March 81
4 April 72.9

January is the current period and hence the target is not impacted. For the next period, February, the calculation is 100 * 0.9 = 90. And, for the next period, March, the output of the target for February is used, that is 90 * 0.9 = 81. This algorithm will be used for every next period within the selection.

Note: The same calculation is applicable when the Adjust Target value is set to Release.