
  1. Download the file from the KB 2226796.
  2. Copy the CRendererInstance.ini and ViewStationWeb.ini files installation folder.

    For Example, C:\Kisters\WebViewer\ folder.

  3. Open ViewStationWeb.ini file and find the “ClientPort” and assign the port number, similarly “HostName=<Hostname:port>” and replace with respective Hostname and port number.

    For Example,



  4. Copy the customScripts.js, userdefined.js and override.js files into ~\www\custom folder.
  5. Open the customScripts.js file and find the keyword “Hostname” and replace with the respective Hostname, save and close the file.
  6. Open the override.js file and change the value of g_sWebSocketAdress
    • http: ws://HOSTNAME:PORT/ws
    • https: wss://HOSTNAME:PORT/ws
  7. Run the start_WebViewer_log.bat file to start the Kisters server. A command prompt window is displayed with the system details:

    Else, an error message is displayed.

  8. Modify this URL.
    • Hostname: Kisters installed server Hostname.
    • Port: Allotted port number for Kisters.
    • File: Converted sample file location.
  9. Test the URL to confirm that the Kisters is working.