Initial Save Category

Use the Initial Save Option category, to specify your preferences such as assigning manual IDs for items and objects, specifying object "attribute" when saving an item, and so on.

Following are the properties grouped under the Initial Save Option category:

  • Create Document Only

    If this check box is selected, a document is created in PLM, but no items are created when you save to PLM. For further information, see Saving to PLM.

  • Must assign an Item

    If this check box is selected, you must assign an item to the objects.

  • Set Object Attribute During Save

    If this check box is selected, you can specify or change the "attribute" of the objects when you save them. If you set this preference, the Attributes for Files-Documents- Items objects dialog box appears.

    In the dialog box, you can specify the attributes such as, File IDs, Document IDs, Item IDs, description and so on.

  • Specify Manual ID for Items

    If this check box is selected, the PLM Options dialog box appears when a part file is saved to PLM for the first time. In the PLM Options dialog box, the user can manually enter item IDs.

  • Specify Manual ID for Documents

    If this check box is selected, the PLM Options dialog box appears when a part file is saved to PLM for the first time. In the PLM Options dialog box, the user can manually enter document IDs.