Companies - overview

A company is an LN working environment. The company details include:

  • The company's address
  • The company language
  • The company's time zone and default calendar
  • The company's currency system.

LN uses the company's address, language, and calendar as default values for the company's:

  • Sites, if multisite is implemented.
  • Departments
  • Warehouses
  • Employees

Company data

Each company has its own database tables. All the data you define and work with in the company are stored in the company's database tables. For example, company data includes:

  • Currencies
  • Units of measure and the base units
  • Sites, if multisite is implemented.
  • Departments
  • Business partners
  • Item codes
  • Ledger accounts
  • Invoicing methods
  • Sales orders
  • Purchase orders
  • Invoices
  • Projects

An LN system often consists of multiple companies. In a multicompany environment, the companies must or can share specific tables, depending on how the system is set up.

Company types

A company can be:

  • A logistic company
  • A financial company
  • Both a logistic and a financial company

A logistic company is used for logistic transactions such as the production, sales, purchase, service, and transportation of goods and the setup of data that support these transactions..

The main function of a financial company is to register all accounting transactions that result from the activities performed in the enterprise units that are linked to the financial company. These activities consist of the operational and logistical transactions that result from a logistic goods flow and from production, service, warehousing, and support activities.

In addition, a financial company can be a financial group company.