Visit page

Click on a visit to open the visit page. The left sidebar (Windows) or the tab General (Android/iOS) displays visit related information, such as the start time of the first activity, the finish time of the last activity of the visit, the picture of the business partner, address information, service order and visit status. Click on the information icon to get more information regarding the visit (Windows only).

The following tabs or options are also available:

  • Activities: The list of activities of the visit to be performed.
  • Documents: Displays all documents linked to the service order. This tab is available only if the document management is implemented for Mobile Service.
  • Report: Displays the visit report.

Within the Activities tab, it is possible to search through the activities or to filter on activity status. It is also possible to filter all activities that are not completed.

On Windows, click the Search icon to activate the search or status filter. On Android/iOS tap the Search icon to activate the search or tap the status drop down icon to activate the filter on activity status.

After a visit has been finalized, the visit activities and its related data (For example, tasks, other costs) can only be changed by clicking Change on the Visit - Activities tab.
Note: This functionality in Mobile Service is available from LN 10.5 onwards and can be enabled by selecting Change Finalized Visit option in LN session Service User Templates (tsmdm1660m000).