Physical Breakdown

This chapter explains the physical breakdown functionality. This functionality of Mobile Service is available from LN 10.5 onwards and can be enabled by selecting the Show Physical Breakdown option in LN session Service User Templates (tsmdm1160m000/tsmdm1660m000). Optionally, Authorized to Update Physical Breakdown can be selected.

The Physical Breakdown screen allows you to perform the following actions:

  • Find the physical breakdown of any serialized item.
  • Navigate through the different levels of a physical breakdown.
  • View the detailed information of the items of a physical breakdown.
  • Change a physical breakdown by adding, removing or changing an item.

The Physical Breakdown screen can be accessed in the following ways:

  • Via the menu.

    After opening the Physical Breakdown screen enter an item and serialized item. The physical breakdown is displayed if exists.

  • By drilling down from serialized installations in the Installations screen.

    Windows: Select the installation and click the Physical Breakdown option in the bottom bar.

    Android/iOS: Select Physical Breakdown option from the context menu.

  • By drilling down from top serialized items in the Installations screen.

    Windows: Select the item and click Physical Breakdown option in the bottom bar.

    Android/iOS: Select the Physical Breakdown option from the context menu.

  • By drilling down from every object in the app where serialized items are being used.

    Windows: Select the object that contains the serialized item and click the Physical Breakdown option in the bottom bar.

    Android/iOS: Select the Physical Breakdown option from the context menu of the object.
    Note: When the physical breakdown is opened from the Materials screen, it will be opened in the context of the service order when option Update Physical Breakdown from Service Order Material in session Service User Templates (tsmdm1160m000) session is set. When this is the case, direct changes to the physical breakdown are not possible. Instead, other options are available. Through these options items can be removed, removed items can be replaced and items can be installed. For more details on this option see paragraph Updating Physical Breakdown through Service Order Materials in chapter Register Material.