Creating a Visit Report (Windows)

To create the report for a visit:

  1. Navigate to the Visit page.
  2. Click on the option Report.
  3. Select the activities you want to include and change the report language if required.
  4. Click Confirm. The visit report is displayed on the screen.
  5. Click on the Signature icon.
  6. Click Sign Off option located below the Engineer signature section or click on the Engineer Signature box. This starts the Sign Off section. Specify the following information:
    Engineer Signature
    Sign in the Engineer Signature text box. You can click Undo to clear the signature.
    Specify the additional information, if any.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Click Sign Off option located below the Customer signature section or click on the Customer Signature box. This starts the Sign Off section. Specify the following information:
    Customer Signature
    Sign in the Customer Signature text box. You can click Undo to clear the signature.
    Customer Representative Name
    Specify the name of the customer representative.
    Specify the additional information, if any.
  9. Click OK.
  10. The signatures appear in the right pane after both the engineer and the customer confirm the signatures. Click on the Finalize option.
    The signatures, names and comments are displayed on the visit report and a pdf of the visit report is generated. No changes can be made to this document anymore and the Signature option on the visit report screen is disabled.