Master Data Management

Use Master Data Management to maintain Service master data such as:

  • Service type

    Service type is used to identify the conditions under which a service is provided, such as preventive maintenance (PM), and breakdown-based maintenance. This also provides a basis for planning, and logistic and financial analysis; you can also use service types to differentiate repair warranty application. You can link the warehouse order procedures that have either the Issue or Receipt type to a service type.

  • Tasks

    A task is a specification of the type of work that is carried out by a service employee. You can use tasks to specify the labor required to carry out an activity. You can link a specific labor rate to a task.

  • Checklists

    A checklist provides a list of checks to be carried out while performing an activity. These checks can be useful, and can be copied while carrying out service order or work order activities. Checklists are used to group specific tasks so that more than one task can be defined for a reference activity.

  • Coverage type

    A financial classification that indicates to what extent work is covered under warranty or contract, and what part of the activities can be charged. Coverage types are used to identify coverage under various agreements, such as warranties, contracts, or quotations. A coverage type is also used as a differentiation while defining reference activity.

  • Service department/ Service areas

    A service department is a department that consists of one or more persons or machines with identical capabilities that can be considered as one unit for the purposes of service and maintenance planning.

    A service area is a specific geographic area that is covered by one or more service engineers (employees). A service area can be linked to a service center.

    Service areas offer the functionality to maintain service engineers, serviceable serialized items, main area, and average travelling time.

  • Skills

    The specific knowledge or technical expertise that a service engineer must have to carry out service or maintenance activities. For example, knowledge of electricity and specific equipment. Skills can be general skills in nature, such as knowledge in software coding, electrical appliances skills, plumbing skills or can be specific / special ; for example, equipment such as aircraft will require special skills to complete repairs or address problems.

  • Service employee

    A service employee is a person who works for the service department. Service employees are those used mostly for service-related activities, such as carrying out orders, registering or handling calls, sales representatives for service sales, supervisors, dispatchers, or handlers. Each service employee must be defined with General and People (HR) related details.

  • Service kits

    A service kit is a mobile warehouse in which components used during service activities are stored. A service kit is defined and used in Service domain, but the inventory transactions are done as in any Normal or Service warehouse, including the replenishments.

  • Location

    You can assign a location to both service department and the work order. The service department of the location and the work order must be the same. You cannot assign a location to a closed work order or delete a location that is assigned to a work order.

  • Service Item Data

    Service item data consists of default Service values for items. For manufactured or purchased items, you can define specific details that are used when either maintaining or selling service items. For example, you can specify certain details regarding subcontracting, and logistic details required in the service processes. For subcontracting purposes, you can also define this information for items that have the Service or Cost type. You can define customized items to use while servicing PCS projects that are identified as physical breakdown structure. Items are used at various places in repository definition and transactions. Items can be used in defining the bill of materials, as item breakdown, and in inheriting details into serialized items specified by the customers.

  • Default item data

    You can define default item data so that the same data is used for similar service items. You can define the default item-data for the combination of :

    • Item type
    • Item group
    • Item category
    • Service item group
    • Serialized item group (optionally)
  • Reference activities

    In the Activity Management, you can maintain the definitions of all the work that can be carried out for maintenance reasons. You can create a repository of reference activity that contains various types of static information.

  • Master routings and routing options

    A master routing identifies a collection of operations that must be carried out. You can link one or more master routings to an item. For example, Repair and Overhaul are both master routings that you can apply to a machine.

  • Service inspections and preventive maintenance scenarios

    Service inspections covers the following functionality:

    • Measurement are used to determine the value of an item's variable (measuring quantity) in a specific situation, for example, tire treads depth. When measurements are registered for serialized items during inspections, maintenance notifications are generated, based on predefined maintenance triggers.
    • Maintenance Trigger Set is a set of maintenance triggers used to trigger maintenance notifications when performing measurements. A maintenance trigger set is linked to a measurement type. A maintenance triggers set can be linked to counter readings that is linked to a serialized item.
    • Counter groups can be used to support advanced measurement scenarios. Counter groups are used for numeric measurement types only. The counter group is used to default the counter readings when a serialized item is created. On a counter reading, it is possible to determine where the inspections are sourced from.
    • Rule book for maintenance trigger sets specifies the use of a particular maintenance trigger set while performing a measurement for a specific position on a product.
  • Service Item Analytics

    Service item analytics covers the following functionality:

    • Calculate Service Performance Indicators - The following can be calculated on Service installations (Serialized item/Cluster):
      • Availability of the serialized item
      • Mean Time to Repair (MTTR)
      • Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF)
    • Calculate Uptime analysis - You can use this analysis to compare the uptime promised as part of service contract for a serialized item and the actual uptime of the serialized item.
    • Calculate Repair Costs - You can calculate and print the repair costs on calls, service orders, and maintenance sales order for a serialized item/cluster.
  • Component Handling

    If List Items of type Kit are available, you can use these items for a Service Order material line or a Work Order material line. The item of type Kit is not stored on the material line but the components are copied as material lines.

  • Using Installation Groups

    In the General Service Parameters, you can specify if installation group must be used in Service.

  • Using Measurement Types by Serialized Item Group

    LN allows you to select the measurement type from the Measurement Types by Serialized Item Group (tsmdm0171m000) session if the item specified in a session is part of a serialized item group, to which measurement types are linked. Else, you can select the measurement type from the Measurement Types (tsmdm0165m000) session.