Activating Resources by Site for multisite

To use the Resources by Site functionality, the Resources by Site concept must be set to Active.

The activation status is displayed in the in the Concept Activation (tcemm4600m000) workbench session and in the Enterprise Structures tab of the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.

To set the activation status to Active, a manual activation process may be required. See Multisite activation outline for the conditions that determine whether manual activation of the Resources by Site concept is required.

The manual activation process is performed in the Concept Activation (tcemm4600m000) workbench session.

Before you can manually activate the Resources by Site functionality, the status of the other multisite concepts must be set to Active.

The manual activation process consists of these steps:

  1. Directly available after LN installation

    After installing the latest version of LN, when starting the Subcontracting Parameters (tisub0100m000) session and the Production Settings by Site (timfc0180m000) session, these parameters are set automatically:

    • For Product Subcontracting and Operation Subcontracting the purchase order series and purchase order type fields are left blank.
    • The Define Order Number By field is set to Procurement .
  2. Set parameter to In Preparation
    1. Click In Preparation on the Resources by Site tab of the Concept Activation (tcemm4600m000) workbench session.

    2. In the In Preparation (tccom0234m000) session, click Run to launch the In Preparation process.

      If required, you can select the Simulate check box to run the update process in simulation mode before launching the actual process.

      In this process, these steps are completed for each company of the current multicompany environment, including the financial companies:

      • For external sites and external planning clusters, various new fields become available and are given initial values.
      • The status changes from Inactive to In Preparation.

        See Resources by Site – external planning clusters and sites.

  3. Preparation and validation

    In this step, you must perform these activation activities for the companies of your multicompany environment:

    1. Generate Subcontractors

      Subcontractors are generated in the Generate Subcontractors (tisub0220m900) session. See Generating subcontractors.

    2. Set Product Subcontracting Lead Time

      Lead times are defined in the Set Product Subcontracting Lead Time (tisub1200m900) session See Product subcontracting lead times.

    3. Generate Operation Subcontractors List

      Operation subcontractors lists are generated in the Generate Operation Subcontractors List (tisub2200m900) session. See Generating the operation subcontractors list.

    4. Generate Subcontracting Rates

      To generate subcontracting rates for the Operation Subcontracting Rates (ticpr1161m000) session, the Generate Subcontracting Rates (ticpr1261m000) session is used. See Generating subcontracting rates.

    5. Generate Item Production by Site

      Production settings by item and site are generated in the Generate Item Production by Site (tiipd0251m000) session. See Generating item – production settings by site.

    6. Generate Supplying Relationships

      To create the new setup for supplying relationships, the Generate Supplying Relationships (cprpd7231m000) session is used. See Generating supplying relationships.

    7. Generate Suppliers by Site

      The Generate Suppliers by Site (tdipu0290m200) session is used to generate resources of type Supplier. See Generating suppliers by site.

    8. Generate Resources

      In the preparation stage, the Generate Resources (cprpd2201m000) session is used to generate resources. See Generating resources.

    9. Validate

      The final step of the preparation stage is the validation of the master data created in the previous activation activities. See Validating resources by site .

    10. Activate

      See the next step for details.

    The activation activities are not applicable for financial companies.

    The validate step verifies if activation activities are performed correctly. You must validate each activation activity after you complete the activation activity. Incomplete or incorrect data may affect the results of subsequent activation activities.

    You must also perform the validation as the final step of the preparation stage, see step i) in the previous list. When validating activation activities, validate the data as often as needed until no more errors are listed in the report.

    To validate an activation activity, in the Activation Activity (tcemm4610m000) session, select Validate Resources by Site on the appropriate menu and in the Validate Resources by Site (tccom0235m000) session, select a validation option.

    The step titles in this list refer to the activation activity in the Concept Activation (tcemm4600m000) workbench session. The sessions referred to in each step are accessed from the Activation Activity (tcemm4610m000) session.

    See General procedure for concept activation on how to perform activation activities.

  4. Activation

    Click Activate on the Resources by Site tab of the Concept Activation (tcemm4600m000) workbench session.

    Note: This button is only available for super users.

    The status changes from In Preparation to Active for each company of the current multicompany environment at the end of the process. See Setting the Resources by Site concept to Active .