Release Packed Positions (brpac9200m999)

Use this session to release the outbound advice for a packed order, making it available to ship.

Field Information

Order Origin

The From and To fields define a range of: to release packed order for shipping.

Allowed values


sales order

Not Applicable

service order

Service (Manual)

Manually created service order.

Sales Schedule

sales schedule

Sales (Manual)

Manually created sales order.

Maintenance Sales

maintenance sales order

Maintenance Sales (Manual)

Manually created maintenance sales order.

Maintenance Work

Maintenance work order.

Maintenance Work (Manual)

Manually created maintenance work order.

Customer Claim
Supplier Claim
JSC Production

Generated in Job Shop Control (JSC).

JSC Production (Manual)

Manually created in Job Shop Control (JSC).

Production Schedule

production schedule

ASC Production

Assembly Control

ASC Production (Manual)

Manually created in Assembly Control.

Production Kanban

Kanban orders

Warehousing Assembly

warehousing assembly order


transfer order

Transfer (Manual)

Manually created transfer order.



Project (Manual)

Manually created project.

Project Contract

purchase order

Purchase Schedule

purchase schedule

Purchase (Manual)

Manually created purchase order.

EP Distribution

planned distribution order


The From and To fields define a range of: defines order number to release packed order for shipping.