Generate Library Documentation (ttstpbaandoc )

Use this session to generate HTML documentation for a range of LN libraries.
Note: To run this session, an LN Tools development license is required. The session retrieves information from compiled objects, so source code is not required.

Actions/Reference menu

This option is available:


Generates an HTML report with documentation for the selected components. The report is displayed on your screen.

Field Information

Package Comb.

The package combination for which you want to generate library documentation.


An LN user who checked out libraries for which you want to generate documentation.

Documentation is generated for these libraries:

  • All libraries in the selection range, which are checked out by this user
  • All libraries in the selection range, which are not checked out

The SCM Group of the user specified in the User field. See SCM Groups.

Component Type

The software component type for which you want to generate library documentation.

Possible values:

  • Library
  • Object

The package for which you want to generate library documentation.

Output Path On Client

The directory on your client PC in which LN stores the generated library documentation.