Dependencies (ttpmc1140m000)

Use this session to define the dependencies between solutions or patches.

You can generate the dependencies automatically, or define the dependencies manually.

If not all dependencies that would be generated are present, you receive a warning during the export of the solution or patch.

After you define all the dependencies, you can change the solution status to Dependencies defined and the solution is ready to be exported. You can change the status in the details session of the session.

If the status of the solution was Exported, and you change the dependencies, then the solution status is reset to Dependencies defined.

You can only start the current session through the appropriate menu in the session.

Field Information

Base VRC

base VRC

Solution Code

A unique identification of the solution in a base VRC.

Related VRC

The base VRC of the solution or patch to which the current solution or patch is related.

The related VRC can be a different base VRC if the dependency type is co-requisite or a prerequisite from a Feature Pack to the previous Feature Pack.


The solution or patch with which a dependency relation exists.



You must specify dependencies of type co-requisite and prerequisite for the solution being created.

You must add post-requisites dependencies to the already released solution and the post-requisite dependency must point to the solution being created.

Note: Be sure to add the post-requisite dependency before you release the new solution.

The post-requisite dependency is transferred to the recipient in the dump of the solution being created. This implies that this dependency is only known at the recipient side after the newly created solution has been scanned.


If this check box is selected, the dependency was not generated, but defined manually.

Note: If you generate or regenerate the dependencies, the Generate Dependencies (ttpmc1240s000) session start. In this session, you can specify whether or not you want to delete existing manually defined dependencies.