Create Sequential Delivery Dumps (ttiex1220m000)

Use this session to create sequential delivery dumps by commercial function, package VRC and language. Delivery dumps are used for processing delivery orders of the same package VRC more than once. This process decreases the process time to create orders.

You must carry out the following steps:

  1. Enter the package VRC. If the dump must contain only the changes in comparison with previous releases, you must select the Update compared with VRC check box. In the Update compared with VRC field you must enter the VRC it is compared with.
  2. Enter the languages in which the dumps are created.
  3. Specify how the dump must be built up. You can include sources and documentation.
  4. Enter from which status the sessions are included in the dumps.
  5. Enter the range of commercial functions for which the dumps are created.
  6. Enter the path of sequential files on the delivery system you want to place the dumps in.

Now You can start up the process. The Export Data Dictionary (ttiex1280s000) session appears followed by the Select Device (ttstpsplopen ) session. In the Select Device (ttstpsplopen ) session, you can select a device to print out possible warnings and messages during the export process. After you select a device, the Export Data Dictionary (ttiex1280s000) session appears again and displays process information.

Field Information

Package VRC

Enter the package.

Package VRC

Enter the package VRC.

Package VRC


Package VRC


Update compared with VRC

If this check box is selected, the dump only contains the changes in comparison with previous releases.

Update compared with VRC

Enter the package VRC.

Update compared with VRC


Update compared with VRC



Enter a language for which the delivery dump must be created.

Form / Report Sources

If this check box is selected, Tools creates a dump with forms and reports.


If this check box is selected, the dump contains documentation information.

Program Script Sources

If this check box is selected, Tools creates a dump with program script sources.

Release notes

If this check box is selected, the dump contains release note information.

Library Sources

If this check box is selected, Tools creates a dump with libraries.

Also Common Data

If this check box is selected, the dump also contains common data.

Only components of package itself

If this check box is selected, the dump contains only components of the package itself.

Sessions from Status

The status from which the sessions are included in the dumps.


Enter a system path of sequential files.