Enum Domain Formatting (ttgfd4525m000)

Use this session to specify the formatting for enum constants.

The formatting is displayed in sessions in LN UI.

Per enum domain, you can select one of these formatting types:

  • Background Color

    You can specify background colors for enum constants. In sessions in LN UI, the enum descriptions are displayed with the specified background color.

  • Icon

    You can link icons, which are stored as additional files, to enum constants. In sessions in LN UI, these icons can be displayed instead of the corresponding enum descriptions.


Icons are only displayed if the Enable Enum Domain Formatting check box in the Tools Parameters (ttaad0100m000) session is selected.

If a user hovers over an icon in a grid, the corresponding enum description is displayed as a tooltip.


You link icons to the enum constants of the Critical Capacity Type (tccap) domain:

Package Domain Name Enum Constant Name Additional File
tc ccap man.capacity Labor Capacity tc com man_capacity.gif
tc ccap mach.capacity Machine Capacity tc com machine_capacity.gif

In sessions in LN UI, the icons are displayed instead of the enum descriptions Labor Capacity and Machine Capacity .

Field Information


The package code of the domain, to which the enum constants belong.

Domain Name

The identification code of the domain, to which the enum constants belong.

Formatting Type

The formatting type for the enum domain.

Allowed values

Background Color


Constant Name

The name of an enum constant.

See Constant Name.

Enum Constant Name

The language-dependent description of an enum constant.

Background Color

The background color for the enum constant.

Click the zoom button to open the Color window and select the desired color.

Additional File

The package code of the additional file.

Additional File

The module code of the additional file.

Additional File

The name of the additional file.