Where Used Audit Tables (ttaud3521m000)

Use this session to generate a list of the profiles in which a specific audit table is used.

You can limit the list to profiles that contain one or more companies in a Specific Company Range.

  • Do not forget to click Search.
  • The last line in the session displays the net result for the table. When you run the Create Runtime Audit Definitions (ttaud3200s000) session with the current settings, the result for this table is displayed in the last line. The companies are not mentioned in this session. Unless you run the session with a Specific Company Range of only one company, you do not know for which companies the table is audited.

Field Information


Specify the table for which you want to search. Use this format: ppmmmttt, for example: ttaud320.

The abbreviations in this format are:

  • p is used for the package code.
  • m is used for the module code.
  • t is used for the table number.
Specific Company Range

If this check box is selected, the search only returns profiles that contain one or more of the companies specified in this range.




Audit profile

All packages

If this check box is selected, the profile applies for all packages. If this check box is cleared, the profile applies at least for the package that contains the table for which you were searching. Whether the profile also applies for other packages, is not displayed in this session.


The package that contains the table for which you were searching.

Note: This field only occurs in the details session, which is displayed when you double-click a record.
All Modules

If this check box is selected, the profile applies for all modules in the package that contains the table for which you were searching. If this check box is cleared, the profile applies at least for the module that contains the table for which you were searching. Whether the profile also applies for other modules, is not displayed in this session.


The module that contains the table for which you were searching.

Note: This field only occurs in the details session, which is displayed when you double-click a record.
All Tables

If this check box is selected, the profile applies for all tables in the package and module that contain the table for which you were searching. If this check box is cleared, the profile applies at least for the table for which you were searching. Whether the profile also applies for other tables, is not displayed in this session.


The table for which you were searching.

Note: This field only occurs in the details session, which is displayed when you double-click a record.
Field Selection

Displays whether All fields are audited, or only Specified fields.

If only specified fields are audited, you can view them in the Audit Fields by Table (ttaud3125m000) session. You can zoom to this session through the appropriate menu.

Audit Type

Audit type


Displays whether the audit profile and the audit table are both active, or not.

Audit profiles, audit tables, and audit fields can be Active, or Not Active. These statuses are independent of each other. The status determines whether the Create Runtime Audit Definitions (ttaud3200s000) converts the audit settings to run time. In an active profile, the settings for the active tables, and the active fields are converted to run time. It is not required to configure the audit settings on field level. If you have configured the audit settings on table level, all fields of the table are audited.