Audit Trail File Sizes (ttaud3135m000)

Use this session to determine the size of the audit trail files ( sequence files).

The system can store a maximum of 999 sequence files for each table/company combination. When you exceed this number, you must purge the existing sequence files with the Purge Audit Files (ttaad4261m000) session.

To define a good file size, keep in mind the following considerations:

  • The audit data is stored per transaction. If a single transaction generates too much data to be stored in a sequence file, the transaction is aborted. Therefore, the sequence file size must enable you to store transactions that involve many changes in a table, for example, an update of all fields in several columns.
  • If the file size is too small, you reach the number of 999 too quick, and you may be required to purge files you still want to keep.
  • If the file size is too big, you are unable to delete a part of the audit trail, because you cannot purge the current sequence file.

Field Information

All Companies

If this check box is selected, the sequence file size applies for all companies in the selected package(s), module(s), and table(s).

All Modules

If this check box is selected, the sequence file size applies for all modules in the selected package.

Note: If this check box is selected, the All Tables check box is also automatically selected and cannot be cleared.
All Packages

If this check box is selected, the sequence file size applies for all packages, modules, tables, and companies.

  • Only one record can have this check box selected.
  • If this check box is selected, other records define exceptions.
All Tables

If this check box is selected, the sequence file size applies for all tables in the selected module.

Company Group

The company group you defined in the Company Groups (ttaud3140m000) session.





File Size

The number that, together with the unit you select, defines the sequence file size.


The unit in which the size is measured, which is either Bytes, Kilobytes or Megabytes.

