Application Locks (ttadv9598s000)

Use this session to view the application locks.

An application lock is set in applications, where data must be locked for a long period, e.g. in the text editor. In normal situations, application locks are removed by the application, which has also set the lock. Only in case of system crashes/failures, it is possible that application locks remain in the system. In this session you can remove these application locks. Remove the application locks, if you are sure that the application which has set the lock, is not running anymore.

Note: Use the Remove Range of Application Locks (ttadv9298m000) session to remove a range of application locks.

Field Information


Specifies the identification (name) of the application lock.


Specifies the company number of the table in which the lock has been placed.

Header ID

Specifies the identifier that refers to the header table.

Header ID

Specifies the LN user who has locked the session.

Header ID

Specifies the terminal port of the user.

Owner PID

Specifies the identification code of the 4GL process which has set the lock.


Specifies the date the lock has been placed.


Specifies the time the lock has been placed.

Create PID

Specifies the identifier of the 4GL process which has inherited the lock of the owner process. If there is no subprocess this field will be filled with the Owner PID.


Specifies the package in which the application lock has been placed.


Specifies the module in which the application lock has been placed.


Specifies the session in which the application lock has been placed.


Specifies the mode of the lock.

The following modes are possible:

  1. read
  2. write
  3. exclusive