Get Session Personalizations From (ttadv9250m400)

This session checks-out all personalizations of the current session from the Personalization For that is selected with the Get Session Personalizations From (ttadv9250m400) session.

The personalizations are copied to your user and are actual after you restart the session.

The user personalizations that existed prior to the check-out (if any) are removed and are restored when executing Save Session Personalizations To (ttadv9250m500) session or the Undo Session Personalizations (ttadv9250m600) session.

To use this session, the user data template linked to the user must have option “Allow Get/Save Session Personalizations” enabled.

Field Information


The personalization level current in the session.

Personalization For

The user, role, company or all companies that are checked-out.

EM Role

Specify an Enterpise Modeler role.


Specify a company number. To select all companies specify an asterisk '*' in this field.

Overwrite User Personalizations

Your existing user personalizations are overwritten. This is a read-only indicator.