Session Personalizations (ttadv9100m000)

Use this session to maintain the personalizations that are made via Web UI.

In the Web UI users can customize sessions: they can make fields invisible, they can change labels, and so on. See the Web UI documentation.

In this session, the personalizations made in Web UI are displayed as personalizations on 'user' level for the specific user. You can copy the personalizations to:

  • Other users
  • Other roles
  • DEM role level
  • Company level.

Copying to other roles can be setup in the Roles (ttaad1150m000) session. To select this session go to Tools > User Management > General User Data.

To copy personalizations, select Copy Personalizations to other level from the appropriate menu. The Copy to other Personalization Level (ttadv9200s000) session is displayed. If you selected records before starting this command, specify the level to which the records must be copied. If no selection was made, you can define a selection in the Copy to other Personalization Level (ttadv9200s000) session.

Field Information


The package code of the session to which the personalizations apply.


The module code of the session to which the personalizations apply.


The session code of the session to which the personalizations apply.

Session Type

The type of the session to which the personalization applies, such as Overview, Detail, or Zoom.

Sort order

The table index to which the personalization applies. Only applicable in case of a session with dynamic index switching. A session with dynamic index switching can be customized per sort order.

Personalization Level

The level on which the personalization applies: User, Enterprise Modeler role, or Company level.

Personalization for

The user or company for which the personalization applies.

Report Group

Identifies a specific personalization. The value depends on the Personalization Type .

Personalization Type

The type of personalization.

Allowed values

Field Personalization

Feature to hide or display a field.

Window Size


Customize Toolbar

Feature used by the classic Web UI to manage commands on the toolbar. This feature is not used by the Infor Ming.le-LN Plug-in ( Web UI for Infor Ming.le).

Sort on Header


Field on Tab Move

Feature to move fields across tabs.

Use Image on Enum

Feature to manage icon images for enums.

Use Icon for Command

Feature to manage icons on form commands in toolbars. The Infor Ming.le-LN Plug-in supports this feature to replace standard toolbar icons.

Icon Order

Feature to change the order of icons in a toolbar in the Infor Ming.le-LN Plug-in.

Selected for Export

Feature used in Excel Export dialogs to select default export fields.

Selected text for Export

Feature used in Excel Export to select texts.

Label Personalization

Feature used for renaming of labels.

Field Mandatory / Display

This feature indicates whether form fields require the mandatory indicator (‘*’).

Session Settings

Feature which maintains session options, such as whether the filter row is ON or OFF.

Default Device Settings

Feature used by the Quick Flow feature to manage default device settings.

Suppress Question

Feature to manage whether Questions should be suppressed in the Infor Ming.le-LN Plug-in.

Menu lay-out and default command of menu

Feature used by the Infor Ming.le-LN Plug-in to manage menu personalization.

Quick flow defaults

Feature used by the Quick Flow feature to suppress option dialogs.

Suppress Message

Feature to manage whether Messages are suppressed in the Infor Ming.le-LN Plug-in.

Group Personalization

Feature to hide or display a group.

Tab Page Personalization

Baan 5.0 c feature to personalize groups. Used in the classic Web UI.

Action Personalization

Feature to hide actions in menus. Used in the classic Web UI. The Infor Ming.le-LN Plug-in uses another way to manage actions.

Column Order Personalization

Feature to change the order of grid columns.

Column Width Personalization

Feature to change the width of grid columns.

Number of Frozen Columns

Feature to maintain the number of frozen grid columns.

Label Style

Feature for managing label styles such as the color.


Identifies a specific personalization. The Name depends on the Personalization Type .


Personalization Type Name
Field Personalization
Label Personalization ttaad121.pacc
Column Order Personalization ttadv380.desc

The Value depends on the Personalization Type .


Personalization Type Name Value
Field Personalization <empty>
Label Personalization ttaad121.pacc Pack. Combination
Column Order Personalization ttadv380.desc 2

This check box indicates whether the identified object will be visible.

Only applicable if the Personalization Type is ‘Field Personalization’, ‘Label Personalization’, ‘Group Personalization’, or ‘Action Personalization’.

Global Personalization

This field is not applicable.


The Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) of the field. Through UUIDs, LN can identify personalized fields even if the field sequence was changed.

Blob data available

This check box indicates whether blob data is available for the personalization. Dependent on the personalization type, a blob can contain an image or an xml tree that is related to the personalization.

To view the blob data, on the appropriate menu, select Show blob content .