Display Report Layout Data (ttadv3535s000)

Use this session to display general data of a report layout. This session is called by the report editor and can be used to read a layout and fill a buffer.

Note: If you have started this session by zooming, you can only find and select a record.

Field Information


The language code of the report. When a user runs a session with a report, the report in his own language will be run.


The description of the language code.




The description of the package.








The module to which the report belongs.


The identification code of the report. A report is uniquely identified by the combination of package code, module code, report code and language.

Field Name

Only applicable for Before.field and After.field layouts. You can only specify fields, which are defined as a sorting input field in Report Input Fields (ttadv3532m000) . The Before.field and After.field layouts will be printed when the value of the specified field changes.

Sequence Number of Report Layout

It is possible to define more than one layout by Layout/Fieldname combination. The layouts of the same Layout/Fieldname will be printed in the order of the sequence number of the layouts.

There are two reasons to define more than 1 layout by Layout/Fieldname combination:

  • The maximum size of a layout is 22 lines. If your layout should have more lines, you can make a second layout of the same type with a higher sequence number.
  • If a particular layout must be printed under certain conditions and another layout under other conditions, you have to define more than one layout with different output conditions.
Output Expression

The output expression is an expression which is evaluated at runtime. The result is always true or false. The expression syntax is equal to the 3 GL syntax. At the moment a layout has to be printed, the system will evaluate the output condition of the layout. Only if the result at that moment is true, the layout is printed. Examples: 1 Layout will always be printed print.detail = 1 or print.detail = 2 Layout will be printed if variable print.detail is 1 or 2. strip$(tdsls041.cprj) <> "" Layout will be printed if field tdsls041.cprj is not empty. Note If variables are used in the output expression that variable must be an input field for the report, specified at Report Input Fields (ttadv3532m000) .

Different Font

Only applicable, if the report layouts in one report have different fonts ("Fixed Font = "yes" on general report data). It determines the font in which the layout will be printed.

New Page

If this check box is selected, the report layout is printed on a new page. Skipping to a new page always causes printing of present footers, headers and before.field layouts. If the current line is already at the top of the page, the page command will be ignored.

Note: Not applicable for header and footer layouts.
Extra Need

This number indicates how many extra lines are needed for the layout on the same page.

Before printing a layout the report writer calculates the free space at the current page. If the layout does not fit on the same page, then the layout will be printed on a new page. If the value of "Extra need" is 0, only the number of lines of the layout itself are taken into account. With "Extra need" you can increase the number of extra needed free lines for the layout. Increasing this number of lines can be useful e.g. if you want to print at least 2 detail layouts on the same page together with a "before.field" layout.

Note: For headers and footers you cannot specify Extra need lines.
Number of Rows

The number of lines of the report layout. This number is calculated automatically according the layout. This field cannot be accessed by the user.

Multi columns

Indicates whether the report layout must be printed in more than one column or not. The number of columns depends on the size of the layout and the paper width. You can change the layout size with the command <Esc>[S] in the report layout editor. Page Width Number of columns = -------------- Layout Width