Update attributes by Program Scripts / Libraries (ttadv2235m000)

Use this session to update attributes by program scripts and libraries for a range of reports.

Field Information


Specify the VRC in which the program scripts or libraries must be updated.

Get data from Sequential File

If this check box is selected, you can retrieve a list of program scripts or libraries from a file instead of supplying a range.

Sequential File

The file in which the list of program scripts or libraries are stored (including path).


Specify the range of packages.


Specify the range of modules.


Specify the range of prog.script or library.

Program Script Type

Specify the type of the program script.

Tools Interface Version

If this check box is selected, you can change the Tools Interface Version for the range of program scripts or libraries.

Tools Interface Version

Specify the new Tools Interface Version.

Product IDs

If this check box is selected, you can specify the Product IDs for the object and source.

Product ID object

Specify the new product ID of the product.

Product ID source

Specify the new product ID of the source.

Multi level

If this check box is selected, you can update program scripts or libraries which are not attached to the specified VRC, but to an ancestor VRC.

VRC Depth

The depth indicates up-to (and including) which ancestor VRC the session will process the program scripts or libraries.

Copy to selected PVRC

If this check box is selected, you can copy the program scripts or libraries to the specified VRC if the newest program scripts or libraries are found in an ancestor VRC.

Also copy objects

If this check box is selected, you can copy the program scripts or libraries objects.

Include Release Notes

If this check box is selected, you can copy the release notes.


If this check box is selected, the update process uses source control management (checkout/checkin) and creates a revision of the changed program scripts or libraries.


If this check box is selected, the existing Tools Interface Version linked to the program script or library can be overwritten.

Error logging file

The file in which error messages are logged (including path).