Compile Program Scripts / Libraries (ttadv2230m000)

Use this session to compile a range of program scripts or libraries.

Field Information

Program Script Type

The program script type.

Program Script Type

The program script type.


The compile type.

One source of a script can have objects in more VRCs.


The script tc com0101 VRC B61 a can have an object in tc B61 a, in tc B61U a stnd and in tc B61O a cust, where B61U a stnd and B61O a cust are derived from B61 a.

The reason why you can compile an object from a script of a previous VRC, is that includes (functions) used in that script can change in the derived VRC.

Example script tc com0101 VRC B61 a has an include tcmcs2000 which has been changed in B61O a cust. The change of this include becomes effective on run time after you compile the script to a B61O a cust object.

Only scripts in new VRC

Compile only scripts in the specified VRC to objects in the same VRC.

Example: You specify to compile the scripts of package td, B61O, a, cust: only the scripts in that VRC will be compiled to objects of the same VRC.

Functions in new VRC

Compile also scripts of previous VRCs, when includes (functions) have been changed.

Example: You specify to compile the scripts of package td, B61O, a, cust: scripts of previous VRCs will also be compiled to objects of VRC B61O, a, cust, when includes (functions) have been changed in this VRC (see before).

All scripts

Compile all scripts of previous VRCs, even if includes (functions) have not been changed. A reason to use this option may be to improve the system performance: all objects are present on theirst level, so the bshell will always find the object straight away. Another reason may be that the data type of a domain has changed. The data type of a domain is also compiled into the object. When the data type of domain changes in a new VRC, it is necessary to compile all scripts (also those of previous VRCs) as well.

Also Compile Defined Libraries

If this check box is selected, libraries linked to program scripts in the specified range must also be compiled.

Multi level

If this check box is selected, scripts or libraries of the previous VRC must be checked for compilation.

  • Only the latest scripts or libraries in the VRC tree are compiled.
  • The object is created in the VRC according the compile field.
VRC Depth

The version depth.

VRC Depth

The release depth.

VRC Depth


Compile only if present in Export List

If this check box is selected, the compile will be done only if present in the export list.

Internal Export List

The internal export list's path.

(Syntax) error messages to file

The name of the file to which error messages must be sent.

Note: Enter the full path name or the name relative to the directory where the bshell was started.