Code Freeze (ttadv1222m000)

Use this session to generate new VRCs for a range of LN Studio activities, when you perform a code freeze for a software project.

For details on the code freeze procedure, refer to the LN Studio documentation.


These options are available:

Starts processing the specified data.

The session performs these actions:

  • Creates new activity VRCs.
  • Creates, if SCM is active, new private VRCs derived from the new activity VRCs.
  • Moves components from the old activity and private VRCs to these new VRCs.
  • Removes the old activity and private VRCs.

Field Information

Final Code Freeze

Select this check box when you perform a final code freeze.

Clear this check box when you perform an intermediate code freeze.

For details, refer to the LN Studio documentation.

Source VRC

The version code of the old project VRC.

Source VRC

The release code of the old project VRC.

Source VRC

The customer code of the old project VRC.

Target VRC

The version code of the new project VRC.

Target VRC

The release code of the new project VRC.

Target VRC

The customer code of the new project VRC.


Specify the range of activities involved in the code freeze.

  • When you perform an intermediate code freeze, the current software project is linked to a new project VRC. All activities must be linked to this new VRC. Therefore, you must select the full range of activities.
  • When you perform a final code freeze, a new project is linked to a new project VRC. Use the selection range to specify which activities must be moved to the new project.

For details, refer to the LN Studio documentation.

Update Export VRC in Base VRC table (ttpmc010) now

If this check box is selected, the new project VRC becomes the export VRC of the application's base VRC.

Select this check box when you perform an intermediate code freeze.

Clear this check box when you perform a final code freeze.