Copy/Move Status Line Texts (ttadv0251s000)

Use this session to copy or move a range of language-dependent status line texts from one language to another.

Enter a source and a target language and select the desired mode and range of line numbers to be copied or moved.

Field Information

Source Language

Specifies the language for which you want to copy or move a range of language dependent status line text to the target language.

Target Language

Specifies the target language to which you want to copy or move a range of language dependent status line text.


Specifies the action that you want to perform on the status line texts.


If this check box is selected, the already existing status lines are overwritten.

Line Number

Specifies the line number of the status line text that you want to copy or move from one language to another.

Line Number

Specifies the line number of the status line text that you want to copy or move from one language to another.