Display Audit Sequences (ttaad4560s000)

Use this session to perform the following actions:

  • display technical information, such as security settings and termination status, for the audit sequence files of a specified table.
  • terminate an open sequence file.
Note: You can terminate an audit file only if these conditions are met:
  • Maintaining is allowed for the audit file: that is, the Maintaining allowed check box in the Audit Trail Security (ttaud3137m000) session must be selected for the audit file.
  • You are authorized to maintain the audit file. Audit authorizations are specified in the Audit Authorizations (ttaad4562m000) and Audit Authorizations (ttaad4162s000) sessions. See the online help of the session.

Audit information of a table is stored in:

  • One or more sequence files. These files contain the information that is logged by the audit server, e.g. the properties of new records, or the old and the new properties of existing records that were changed. Users can print the content of sequence files in the Print Range of Audit Files (ttaad4461m000) and the Print Range of Audit Files (Multi Lines) (ttaad4463m000) sessions.
  • One information file that contains the technical information (metadata) for the sequence files. This is the information that is displayed in this session.

This session only shows information if:

  • Printing of audit information is allowed for the specified table. This depends on the security settings that are specified in the Audit Trail Security (ttaud3137m000) session.
  • You are authorized to print the audit information for the specified table. Audit authorizations are specified in the Audit Authorizations (ttaad4562m000) and Audit Authorizations (ttaad4162s000) sessions. See the online help of the session.

Session usage:

  • To view information, specify the desired table and company number.
  • To terminate an open sequence file, select the sequence file with Term Status = "UNTERMINATED" in the lower part of the dialog box, and click Terminate. The audit server automatically switches to a new sequence file.

Field Information

Table and company

The package to which the table belongs, e.g. "tc".

Table (Table Code)

The table code, e.g. "com000".


The company to which the table belongs.

General Information
From seq

The sequence number of the first sequence file for the specified table. Default "From" sequence is "000". Sequence numbers are used as extensions to the names of the sequence files.

To seq

The maximum number of sequence files that will be generated for the specified table. Default is "999".

Curr seq

The sequence number of the sequence file that is currently used to store audit information.

Max file size

The maximum size for a sequence file of the specified table. If a sequence file reaches this limit, the audit server automatically terminates the file and creates a new sequence file. The maximum file size is defined in the Audit Trail File Sizes (ttaud3135m000) session.

Current Security Settings

This check box indicates whether it is allowed to purge the sequence files of the specified table. Purging is allowed if the Cleaning allowed check box in the Audit Trail Security (ttaud3137m000) session is selected, for the specified table. If this check box is selected, it is allowed to purge this audit sequence file. You cannot maintain the audit file for this table. Only a root user can change the parameters of this audit file.


Only users with "Purge" audit authorizations can purge audit files. Audit authorizations are specified in the Audit Authorizations (ttaad4562m000) session.

The content of the sequence files can be purged in the Purge Audit Files (ttaad4261m000) session.


This check box indicates whether it is allowed to manually terminate a sequence file. to terminate an open sequence file, select the sequence file with Term Status = "UNTERMINATED" in the lower part of the dialog box, and click Terminate. The audit server automatically switches to a new sequence file.


You can terminate an audit file only if these conditions are met:

  • Maintaining is allowed for the audit file: that is, the Maintaining allowed check box in the Audit Trail Security (ttaud3137m000) session must be selected for the audit file.
  • You are authorized to maintain the audit file. Audit authorizations are specified in the Audit Authorizations (ttaad4562m000) and Audit Authorizations (ttaad4162s000) sessions. See the online help of the Audit Authorizations (ttaad4162s000) session.
Sequence File Information

The audit sequence files's sequence number.

Create Date

The sequence file's creation date.

Create Time

The sequence file's time of creation.

Term Date

The date on which the sequence file was terminated.

Term Time

The time at which the sequence file was terminated.

Term Status

Tools displays the termination status of the sequence file. This field indicates if the sequence file was terminated, and if so, for what reason.

The following termination statuses can occur:

  • MAX_SIZE The sequence file was terminated because the sequence file reached the maximum size. The audit server has switched to the next sequence file.
  • USER_TERM The sequence file was forcibly terminated by the user. The audit server has switched to the next sequence file.
  • DD_CHGD The sequence file was terminated because the audit dd changed (for example, the number of audited columns in a table has changed, or the order of the columns in the table's primary key has changed). The audit server has switched to a new sequence file, with a new audit_dd.
  • TERMINATE_VERSION The sequence file was terminated because a new audit server has been activated. A new sequence file was started.
  • UNTERMINATED The sequence file is not terminated. Per audited table, there is only one UNTERMINATED sequence file. This is the sequence file which is currently active/open.
Note: Refer to the Infor Enterprise Server Technical Manual for more details.