Count Number of Records by Table (ttaad4222m000)

Use this session to print the number of records per table for a range of packages and tables in a company.

Field Information


The company for which you want to count the number of records per table.

Tables Registered as Soft Delete Only

If this check box is selected, only the tables registered as Soft Delete in the Table Timestamp and Soft Delete Definitions (ttadv4136m000) session are processed.

Skip empty Tables

If this check box is selected, empty tables are omitted from the report.

Exclude Logical Tables from Count

If this check box is selected, logical tables are omitted from the report.

Detailed Report

If this check box is cleared, the session prints a report with this information:

  • The number of records per table.
  • The number of 'Soft deleted' records per table. For details on 'soft deleted' records, see Table Timestamp and Soft Delete Definitions (ttadv4136m000).
  • The size in bytes per record.
  • The size in MB per table.
  • The total size in MB of all selected tables.

If this check box is selected, additional input fields are enabled and a more detailed report, sorted on size or on table, is printed.

All Tables

If this check box is selected, the report shows the size of all tables in the selection range.

If this check box is cleared, you must print the top n of tables that contain most records.

This field is only enabled if you print a detailed report.


Use this field to print only the top n of tables that contain most records.

For example, you enter 10. The report shows the top 10 of tables that contain most records.

This field is only enabled if the All Tables check box is cleared.