Report Archive Groups (ttaad3541m000)

Use this session to maintain the Report Archive Groups.

You can use the Report Archive Groups to improve file system performance and to maintain a better overview on the Report Archive.

An Archive Group can be linked to one or more Archive Rules.

The Archive Groups are automatically used as part of the Archive file names and can optionally be used as part of the Archive directory path.

Typical properties of a Report Archive Group include the following:

Field Information

Report Archive Group

The Report Archive Group is automatically used as part of the Archive file names and can optionally be used as part of the Archive directory path.







Archive Group Description:



Sales Orders

Purchase Orders

Extension path for Archive

The path defined for the Archive Group is used to compute the directory where the reports linked to this Archive Group will be archived.

The Extension path for Archive is appended to the Base Path for Archive, as defined in the Report Archiving Parameters (ttaad3140s000) session.

The Extension path can consist of plain text mixed with the following keywords:

Keyword Description
${group} Group name
${year} Current year
${month} Current month number
${user} LN user
${company} LN company
${report} LN report code



Base path: /disk9/archive

Extension path: ${year}/${group}/${month}

Reports will be archived as:



Keyword 1

An expression whose result is used as a keyword. You can use keywords, in the Archived Reports (ttaad3545m000) and Print Archived Reports (ttaad3445m000) sessions, to find a report that must be reprinted.

You can specify up to four keyword expressions for each report archive group.

The result of a keyword expression must be a string (alphanumeric) value and will be stored together with the archived reports.

Keyword expressions are executed during the archiving of the report. In an expression, you can use any table field or variable that is used in the report.

It is very useful to specify a keyword expression that is identical to the report's Split Expression, for example, the invoice number for a sales invoice report, or the purchase order number for a purchase order report.

Example (Invoices report):

Keyword 1: cisl305.sfcp & cisli305.tran & cisli305.idoc (Invoice Number)

Keyword 2: cisli305.itbp (Invoice-to Business Partner)

Keyword 3: dept (Department)

Keyword 4: spool.device (Print Device)

Keyword Description

Example for Keyword 2:

Expression: cisli305.itbp

Description: Invoice-to BP

Keyword Zoom Session

The session code that you can use to zoom for the keyword expression value during reprint of the report.

Example for Keyword 2:

Expression: cisli305.itbp

Description: Invoice-to BP

Zoom Session: tccom4500m000

Keyword Zoom Return Field

The Keyword Zoom Return field that is used by the Keyword Zoom session.

Example for Keyword 2:

Expression: cisli305.itbp

Description: Invoice-to BP

Zoom Session: tccom4500m000

Zoom Return Field: tccom100.bpid