Move/Delete Archived Reports (ttaad3445m100)

Use this session to either move the files that belong to Archived Reports to a new location, or to delete those files.

Moving archives

As the disk nears capacity, you must move the archive files. A system administrator has the following three options to move reports:

  1. Move archives with the session.

    This method is the easiest and slowest method of moving files. Type a new base path and select a range of archived reports to be moved, then click Move. All files in the selection range will be moved to the same location below the new "base" path.

  2. Move files on OS level and correct the database with this (Move) session.

    Simply move on OS level a directory tree with archived reports to another location on the disk.

    Subsequently, run the Move session and choose the new path to ensure that the resulting files are found at the correct location on the disk. If the source file does not exist, and the target file is found, the LN session will correct the database.

  3. Move files to offline storage and use the alternate path from the parameters session.

    A system administrator can choose this option IF files must be moved to offline storage, such as tape or CD-ROM/DVD. In this case, the files must be moved on OS level. The database, however, remains unchanged!

    The parameters session contains the Alternate path for Archive field. If the reprint session cannot find an archived file at the location specified in the archive, the reprint session tries to find the file below the Alternate Path rather than the Base Path. Example: The Alternate path for Archive parameter is set to /mnt/cdrom.

    Archived file:


    If this file cannot be found in this location, the system tries the following:


    As a result, if you move yearly or monthly archived data to a CD-ROM, to easily use the data, you can set the Alternate Path for Archiving to the CD-ROM drive of the LN server and simply insert the applicable CD-ROM.

Field Information


If you select option "Delete", files for the selected Archived Reports will be deleted from the file system.

If a Report Archive file is not older than the Minimal age (years) before delete, the user receives a warning message and a question to delete, Yes or No.

The user can reply the following:

  • Yes
  • No
  • Yes to all
  • No to all

If you select option "Move", files for the selected Archived Reports will be moved to a new location.

Override minimal age

In the Report Archiving Parameters (ttaad3140s000) session, the Minimal age (years) before delete is specified. The Override minimal age field enables you to delete archived reports that have not yet reached this minimal age before delete.

Allowed values

Yes Archived reports are deleted irrespective of their age.
No Archived reports, which are younger than the minimal age before delete, are not deleted.
Interactive If an archived report is younger than the minimal age before delete, the user is asked whether the archived report should be deleted.
Update table records for missing reports

If the file for a particular Archived Report cannot be found, the table record for this report will be updated with the new location if this option is selected.

If this option is not selected, the table record for such a report will not be altered.


The destination path is the new base path for the selected Report Archive files.

All files, including the extension path, in the selection range will be moved to the same location below the new base path.

Detailed Report

If selected, a report line is generated for every error. If cleared, only summaries are reported.