Change length of OS User Names (ttaad2220m000)

You can use this session to convert the length of the Operating System (OS) user name.

You can define the new length for OS user names.

Based on that information, the user name fields in the tables are adjusted accordingly.

The process will execute the following steps:

  • Create a new structure to store runtime user files. Session: .
  • Change the length of table fields that store the OS user names. These OS user names are stored in the User Data (ttaad200) and Printer Queue (ttaad320) tables.
  • Convert the changed tables to runtime. Session: Create Runtime Data Dictionary for Tools.

After you run this session, the location of the runtime user files has been changed. You cannot undo that change. If you start the session again the location change step will be skipped.


When you execute this session all users must log off.

If your LN application runs on Windows, you must restart the shared memory manager after the execution of this session.

After running this session only one LN user can be linked to each system login. Therefore, be careful when currently two or more users are linked to the same system login.

If you run this session, the location of the user files changes.

Field Information

Current OS User Name length

The current OS user name length.

New OS User Name length

In this field the new OS user name length can be specified.

The maximum length that can be specified is 254.

The minimum length that can be specified is 8.