Enabled Features (ttaad1130m900)

Use this session to configure all features that are supported by the Portingset.

This session is started when clicking one of the rows in the main session.

The feature that is selected in the main session is shown, with the feature rows. With the arrow keys, you can switch to other features.


These options are available:

Enable Features
Enable Features” creates the runtime file that contains the configuration of features.

If you made changes without running “Enable Features” a message is displayed at closure to inform you about this. Click No to run “Enable Features" or click Yes to close the session.

Field Information


Select this checkbox to enable the feature for all package combinations.

From Application Version

Specify the minimum application version for this feature. The feature is applied for this application version and all later application versions.

Enabled for Package Combination

Specify the package combination for which the feature must be applied. Very that the check box “Enabled for All Package Combinations” is cleared. To enable the feature for multiple and not all package combinations, you must create one row for each package combination.