Tools Parameters (ttaad0100m000)

Use this session to define parameters for your LN software environment.

After you specify and save your data, select Convert TSS Data to Runtime from the appropriate menu. The changes will be converted to the Runtime Data Dictionary. This means that all user files will be (re)built. Subsequently, all users must restart their bshells to make the changes active at runtime.

Field Information

"Overflow" Character

The character that is displayed in a numeric field at runtime, if the data does not fit in the display format of that field.


The display format of a field is: 9999VD99. When you specify the value "-3.1" in the field at runtime, the character specified in this field is displayed.

"No Authorization" Character

The character that is displayed in a static form's field at run time if the user has no authorization to read data in that field.

Note: You define these authorizations in the Table Field Authorizations (ttams3143m000) session, or the Table Data Authorizations (ttams3145m000) session.

The "No Authorization" character is never displayed in a dynamic session's dynamic form, because a dynamic form does not display fields for which the user has no read authorization.

"No Reference" Character

The character that is displayed in a reference field at runtime, if the reference data cannot be found.

"Data Empty" Character

The character that is displayed on a navigation list card for fields with no data to indicate that those fields are empty.

Default Job Safety Time [min]

The default value for the Expected Duration [sec] field in the Job Data (ttaad5100s000) session.

For new jobs there is no job history that can be used to calculate the expected duration. Therefore, this default value is used when you create a job.

Runtime Count Limit

LN sessions support two types of scrollbars: the old scrollbar and the new scrollbar. For details, see Scrollbars (OP). Use this field to indicate when the new scrollbar must be disabled for a session.

If the number of records in a session exceeds the limit specified in this field, the new scrollbar is automatically disabled:

  • If you start the session in WorkTop , the old scrollbar is displayed.
  • If you start the session in Web UI, no scrollbar is displayed. Instead, navigation buttons are displayed.
Note: The limit specified in this field can also affect the way Easy Filtering works. See Allow Easy Filter.
Allow Easy Filter

Use this field to configure easy filtering. Easy filtering enables Web UI users to specify filter criteria in the input fields above the grid in overview sessions. See the Web UI documentation.

Allowed values


Easy filtering is enabled for all fields in the grid, for which filtering is supported, regardless the number of fields and the number of records.

Note: If a user filters on a non-index field, LN performs a full table scan. This can cause performance problems, if a table contains many records.
All fields till Runtime Scrollbar Limit

The filtering depends on the limit specified in the Runtime Count Limit field in the Tools Parameters (ttaad0100m000) session:

  • If the number of records in the overview session's main table is less than or equal to the runtime scrollbar limit, easy filtering is enabled for all fields in the grid, for which filtering is supported.
  • If the number of records in the table is greater than the runtime scrollbar limit, easy filtering is only enabled for index fields in the grid. In this way, full table scans on tables with many records are prevented.
Table Index Fields

Easy filtering is only enabled for index fields in the grid. In this way, full table scans are prevented.


Easy filtering is disabled.

Default String Filter Operator

The default filter operator for fields of String type in Easy Filter. The selected default is valid after you restart the session.

By default, this field retains the current (old) behavior. If the Or Operator is allowed, you can define and run more powerful queries. Running these queries can have impact on the performance of the environment.

Allowed values

  • Starts With: The contents of the field start with the specified characters.
  • Contains: The contents of the field contain the specified characters.
Allow Use of OR Operator in Advanced Filter

If this check box is selected, the “Or” search operator can be used within Filtering.

If this check box is cleared, the “Or” search operator cannot be used. Filters having this search operator already are invisible and cannot be selected.

Note: Enabling the “Or” operator can adversely affect the performance. If a filter with an “Or” operator is applied, it can take more time before the data is displayed on the screen.
Allow Export to Excel

If this check box is selected, "Export to Excel" commands are available in sessions. You can use these commands to export data to an Excel workbook.

Note: This setting can be overruled in the User Data Template (ttams1110m000) session.
Allow Import from Excel

If this check box is selected, the "Import from Excel" command is available in sessions. You can use this command to import data from an Excel workbook.

Note: This setting can be overruled in the User Data Template (ttams1110m000) session.
Enable Sensitivity Labeling

This field enables or disables the availability of the Sensitivity Labels feature. Sensitivity Labeling enables you to mark output that contains sensitive data. Several labels for different sensitivity can be defined.

To define sensitivity labeling, use these sessions:

  • Sensitivity Labels (ttaad3150m000) session.
  • Sensitivity Level of Table fields (ttaad3151m000) session.
  • Optionally, Sensitivity Level of Reports and Sessions (ttaad3152m000) session.
  • Convert to runtime Sensitivity Labels.

See Sensitivity labeling (OP-CE).

Performance impact

If you enable Sensitivity Labeling, performance can decrease dependent on the size and complexity of the configured sensitivity labeling.

Enable Smart Links

If this check box is selected, smart links are enabled in overview sessions in Web UI. Through smart links Web UI users can quickly zoom from an overview session to a related session.

If this check box is cleared, smart links are disabled.

Enable Enum Domain Formatting

If this check box is selected, icons can be displayed in enumerated fields in overview sessions in Web UI. The icons are linked to enum constants and are displayed instead of the corresponding enum descriptions. This saves space in the grid.

To link icons to enum values, use the Enum Domain Formatting (ttgfd4525m000) session.


In Web UI, users can choose whether they want to view icons or the corresponding enum descriptions. See "Personalize ERP sessions" in the Web UI online help.

If a user hovers over an icon in a grid, the corresponding enum description is displayed as a tooltip.

Allow Additional Buttons for Messages and Questions

If this check box is selected, you can add additional buttons to the application on messages and questions for extra functionality.

Allow Message Suppression

If this check box is selected, suppression of messages is enabled. Authorized users can suppress message dialogs.

A user can only suppress messages, if the Manage Suppress Messages check box in the user's user data template is selected. See User Data Template (ttams1110m000).

Note: Suppression of messages only works in the Infor Ming.le-LN Plug-in.
Allow Question Suppression

If this check box is selected, suppression of questions is enabled. Authorized users can suppress question dialog boxes.

A user can only suppress questions, if the Manage Suppress Questions check box in the user's user data template is selected. See User Data Template (ttams1110m000).

  • Suppression of questions only works in the Infor Ming.le-LN Plug-in.
  • The "Data has been changed; do you want to save your data?" (ttstpq0109) question cannot be suppressed. This question is displayed when users close a session without saving their changes first.
Use Client Number Formatting

If this check box is selected, amounts in LN sessions are displayed using the decimal sign and thousand sign as defined by the client computer. If LN UI is used, the decimal sign and thousand sign are derived from the browser preference for language and locale. For other user interfaces, the decimal sign and thousand sign are defined in the Windows settings. All amounts are displayed using the same decimal sign and thousand sign.

If this check box is cleared, the amounts are displayed using the decimal sign and thousand sign as defined in LN.

In LN, decimal signs and thousand signs are defined per software language and per currency. Therefore, different decimal signs and thousand signs can be displayed in fields in the same session. For example, a session can display these fields and amounts:

Field Amount Explanation
A 10,000.00 The display format of the field is based on the currency USD (US Dollar).
B 5.000,00 The display format of the field is based on the software language. Your software language is 1 (Dutch).
Note: This setting only applies to amounts in sessions. In reports, the amounts are always displayed using the decimal sign and thousand sign as defined in LN.
Use Server Based Date/Time

If this check box is selected, the dates, which users enter by pressing + or - in a date field, are based on the system date of the LN server.

If this check box is cleared, dates entered through + or - are based on the client PC's system date.

Note: LN UI only supports server dates. In LN UI the dates entered through + or - are always based on the system date of the LN server.

Cloud Enabled

If this check box is selected, cloud-only features become available.

You cannot clear this check box if multitenant is enabled.

Extended Companies

If this check box is selected, you can use company numbers up to 9999. The check box influences the extended_company_range parameter in the file $BSE/lib/defaults/all.

You cannot change this check box when:

  • Companies already exist with a value > 999
  • Another resource determines the value of extended_company_range.
  • Multitenant is enabled.
Show ODM Attachments Column

If this check box is selected, an additional column, "ODM Attachments", is added in overview sessions for which ODM is active. The indicators in this column show whether documents are attached to the specific rows.

Note: The "ODM Attachments" column is only added if ODM - Object Data Management is selected as Active Configuration in the Document Management Parameters (ttaad0180m000) session.
Show Session Graphs

If this check box is selected, the graphs on sessions is enabled. For the supported graphs, see Personalize Graphs on Sessions (ttadv9130m100).

Wrap Toolbar

If this check box is selected, wrapping of the toolbar is activated for all users. If this check box is cleared, the Wrap Toolbar on the User Data Template is verified to determine whether wrapping of the Toolbar is on or off for the user.

On every session a menu option "Wrap Toolbar" is added to the Settings menu. This enables the user to change the wrapping state of the toolbar per session. This setting is saved as a personalization.

Enable Job Alerts

If this check box is selected, you can specify and configure job alerts in the Job Data (ttaad5100s000) session.

These job alerts are available:

  • Job has started
  • Job has been executed successfully
  • Job has failed with runtime error
  • Job has been executed with runtime errors
  • Job has been skipped
  • Job has been postponed
  • Job has been canceled manually
  • Job has been canceled due to timeout
  • Job is running longer than … % of the expected duration
  • Job is running longer than hh:mm
Show Print, Sort and Export as Split Buttons

If this check box is selected, the Sort by, Print, and Export and Import menus are displayed as three split-buttons on the main toolbar.

Note: This may affect some existing personalizations.

This table shows the split buttons for these menus:

Menu Split button in toolbar
Sort by Search
Print Print
Export and Import Export

If this check box is cleared, these menus are displayed on their default location, that is, in the Views and Actions menus.

Use File Manager Permissions

If this check box is selected, the file and folder permissions specified in the File Manager Permissions (ttfma1500m000) session are used.

If this check box is selected and no permissions are specified, no user can access a folder.

If this check box is cleared, users have full permission on all available folders.

Note: The permissions also impact sessions with a prefilled path. The permissions impact, for example, data in user defaults or a path in sessions that run in the background or in a job. If a user has no modify permission for the prefilled path, the session cannot be executed.