PDF properties guide

This table shows an overview of settings for the $BSE/java/PDF.properties file and <WebUI/LNUI>/WEB-INF/lib/PDF.properties file:

Setting Description
left-margin The left margin in cm, the default is 2.0.
right-margin The right margin in cm, the default is 2.0.
top-margin The top margin in cm, the default is 1.5.
bottom-margin : The bottom margin in cm, the default is 1.5.
line-color-r The red rgb value for the line color, the default is 192.
line-color-g The green rgb value for the line color, the default is192.
line-color-b The blue rgb value for the line color, the default is 192.
debug Draw rectangles around cells to see the calculated spaces for text blocks, the default is no.
debug.show.properties If debug is active then show a first page displaying all the current properties, the default is no.
page-width The default page width in cm, the default is 21.0.
page-height The default page height in cm, the default is 29.7.
ttf-font-path The directory where arialuni.ttf and cour.ttf are present, the default is OS-dependant).
<fontname> The full path to the ttf-file or otf-file to be used for the texts with this font. The fontname is the font used in the report stripped of its spaces.

Example 1: UserFont2=C:\\windows\\fonts\\micr.ttf

This can also be the full path to a directory containing a specific font. This directory can contain multiple ttf- and otf-files. Ensure this directory does not contain multiple different fonts, but only the different internationalized files for a single font.

Example 2: UserFont2=C:\\fonts\\notosans\\

default-proportional-font The full path to a ttf- or otf-file containing the default proportional font to use. This can also be the full path to a directory containing a specific font. This directory can contain multiplettf- and otf-files. Ensure this directory does not contain multiple different fonts, but only the different internationalized files for a single font.
default-monospaced-font The full path to a ttf- or otf-file containing the default monospaced font to use. This can also be the full path to a directory containing a specific font. This directory can exists of multiple ttf- and otf-files. Ensure this directory does not contain multiple different fonts, but only the different internationalized files for a single font.
spaces-per-tab The tabs in texts are defaulted to 8 spaces. This can be changed with the spaces-per-tab property.
font-size-factor The factor that is used to multiply the font size with. The font being used is depending on the number of characters on a line. The space available per character is multiplied with the font size factor to get the point size of the font.

See this list:

  • 1.3 = smaller font

  • 1.5 = somewhat smaller font

  • 1.67 = normal font (default)

  • 1.8 = somewhat bigger font

  • 2.0 = bigger font

Because using a bigger font can result in overlapping texts, the converter uses a dynamic layouting approach from a factor 1.6 or higher. If texts still overlap, then the converter automatically downsizes the font. For the different layouting strategies see layout-strategy.

This setting can also be supplied by DOM. If it is supplied by DOM then the setting in the PDF.properties is ignored.


If the font is downsized in the scenario mentioned earlier, then you have these layout strategies:
  • Calculate the optimal layout across all pages in the report and use this layout on every page. There is no difference in layout and font sizes on different pages. This is the default.

  • Layout every single page in the report by itself. This results in slightly differently layouted pages with slightly different font sizes on different pages. On a single page the font sizes are not different. In general the font are bigger than the font used in the calculate layout strategy.

  • Adjust the layout on the fly. Most pages have the same layout and font size.

dynamic-factor The font-size-factor that is used to differentiate between using dynamic layout or not, the default is 1.6.
landscape The minimal number of characters on a line to print to landscape. If the number is low then the PDF is in portrait, the default is 150.


Normally, barcodes are as high in lines as indicated. They can be enlarged a bit by setting this property to yes. In that case the barcode covers a quarter of the previous line and a quarter of the next line. The default is no.

All these properties can also be applied for certain reports only, if the report id is in front of the property. For example the setting "ttams140111000.font-size-factor=2.1" only adjusts the font-size-factor for report ttams140111000. All other reports use the value as set for font-size-factor.

Latest Java component is installed with the latest portingset or can separately be found in Infor Customer Portal KB 1105242.

For printing-to-display it is required to change the PDF.properties on the Web UI webserver in WEB-INF/lib and not the one on the LN server. That one is used if you print to a PDF device (XML-PDF).