Print Warnings (tlvsc3401m000)

Use this session to print warnings that VSC generates during the verification of software components.

Field Information

Filtered to Handle

Use this field to select the types of warnings that you want to print.

Select one of the following options:

  • Yes. The session prints only "Filtered to Handle" warnings.
  • No. The session prints only "Non-filtered" warnings.
  • Both. The session prints both, "Filtered to Handle" warnings and "Non-filtered" warnings.
Same output as VSC

If this check box is selected, the session prints a report that contains the same output as the report that you can print in the Verify Software Components (tlvsc3400m000) session.


Use this field to select the types of warnings that you want to print.

Select one of the following options:

  • Yes. The session prints only accepted warnings.
  • No. The session prints only unaccepted warnings.
  • Both. The session prints both, accepted warnings and unaccepted warnings.
Sort on Priority

If this check box is selected, the warnings in the report are sorted on priority: High, Suspicious, Normal, Low.

Total By

You can use this field to print a summary report instead of the regular detailed report.

The summary report contains the following information:

  • The total number of verified components per component type.
  • The total numbers of accepted and unaccepted warnings, split up by priority.

Select the appropriate option from the list to print these totals by package or by module. If this field is empty, the session prints the regular detailed report.

Note: To access this field, you must first select the corresponding check box.