Make Table Sharing Set Actual (tltsm0210m000)

Use this session to change the table links as defined in the Logical Tables (ttaad4120m000) session to the configuration defined in a table sharing set.

Make a table sharing set actual

If you make a table sharing set actual, you change your system's logical table-linking configuration. This can seriously disrupt your entire LN installation if the table sharing set is not properly set up.

Before you can make the table sharing set actual, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Set all related table sets to Approved .
  2. Verify the table sharing set.
  3. Change the table sharing set's status to Approved .

To make the data in the Logical Tables (ttaad4120m000) session equal to the table sharing defined in the table sharing set, enter the table sharing set, and click Actualize .

Field Information

Table Sharing Set

The table sharing set.

Table Sharing Set

The description of the table sharing set.


The status of the table set.

Allowed values


The table sharing set can be freely changed.

The table sharing set must be approved, before you can make the table sharing set actual.


The table sharing set can be made actual.


You cannot use the table sharing set anymore. The table sharing set is retained for archiving only.