Export Published ERP Templates (ntint0200m000)

Use this session to export a range of published Microsoft Word/Excel ERP Templates.

The templates' export dump file is located in the directory you specify in the Export File (including path) field.

You can then import the templates into another ERP company in the same ERP environment, or you can import the templates into another ERP environment.

You import the templates with the Import Published ERP Templates (ntint0201m000) session.

If you select an owner in the Owner field, you can only export published templates that belong to your selected owner. If you leave the Owner field empty, you can export all the available published templates.

Note: You can retrieve the exported template dumpfile with an FTP program, then copy the templates to a client computer and send the templates to, for example, a customer. The customer can then import the templates into an ERP environment with the Import Published ERP Templates (ntint0201m000) session.


This button is available:

Click to begin the export.

Field Information


If you specify an owner in this field, you can only export templates that belong to (published by) the owner. If you clear this field, you can select any available published template for your export.

MS Word

If this check box is selected, in the adjacent fields you can define a range of published Word templates to export.

MS Word Templates

The start value in the range of published Word templates you want to export.

MS Word Templates

The end value in the range of published Word templates you want to export.

MS Excel

If this check box is selected, in the adjacent fields you can define a range of published Excel templates to export.

MS Excel Templates

The start value in the range of published Excel templates you want to export.

MS Excel Templates

The end value in the range of published Excel templates you want to export.

Local Path

Specify the server directory and filename of the template export dump.

Print export report

If this check box is selected, ERP prints a report with the results of each template's export.