MS Excel ERP Templates (ntexl0110s000)

Use this session to view the ERP-related Microsoft Excel templates. Double-click a template in the grid to view the template's properties in the MS Excel ERP Template (ntexl0110s100) details session.

For published templates, on the Specific menu, click Sessions to start the ERP Template - Published in Sessions (ntwrd0130m000) session, in which you can view or modify the list of sessions the template is available in.


This command is available:

Available Sessions
Starts the ERP Template - Published in Sessions (ntwrd0130m000) session, which you can use to view or modify the list of sessions the template is available in. This command is only available for published sessions.

Field Information

Template Name

Specifies the name of the template.


Specifies the template's description. The description appears in the File menu's Send to submenu of the ERP sessions in which you publish the template. The description also appears in Excel's New ERP Workbook dialog box.

Template is published

If this check box is selected, the template is published in the sessions listed in the ERP Template - Published in Sessions (ntwrd0130m000) session. On the Specific menu, click Sessions , to start the ERP Template - Published in Sessions (ntwrd0130m000) session, in which you can view or modify the list of sessions the template is available to.


The ERP user that created the template.