Export Triggers (daxch0135m000)

Use this session to create and maintain export triggers.

These are triggers that will be executed automatically when an export is run for an exchange scheme. To create an export trigger, you must link an existing trigger to a table relation (Export) in an Exchange scheme.

  • When you edit a row, the table and ASCII file from the Table Relation (Export) are displayed.
  • A change becomes active the next time an export is done (an already running export process is not changed).
  • It is not needed to regenerate the export program.
  • An export trigger is deleted automatically when you delete the corresponding export batch line.

Field Information

Exchange Scheme

The exchange scheme that contains the table relation to which the export trigger is linked.


The batch that contains the table relation to which the export trigger is linked.

Table Relation (Export)

The table relation (export batch line) to which the export trigger is linked.

Trigger for Each Row

This field is optional. The trigger specified in this field will be started for each row exported by the exchange scheme: an event will be created for each row being processed by the export batch line and the trigger is invoked for that event.

Create ASCII File

Use this check box to select whether the Exchange export process must write records to the ASCII file that is defined in the Table Relation (Export). If you select this check box, the export process writes each exported record to the ASCII file and also invokes the specified trigger(s). If you clear this check box, the export process only invokes the trigger(s).

Trigger for Batch Line End

This field is optional. The trigger specified in this field will be started after the exchange scheme has processed all rows for the export batch line.