Conversions per Field (daxch0106m000)

Use this session to convert data in LN table fields according to a conversion table.

To create a conversion for a LN table field, click Insert on the toolbar. Double-click a conversion for a LN table field to change an existing conversion.

Note: The conversion code is defined in the Conversion Tables (daxch0105m000) session.

Field Information

Exchange Scheme

The exchange scheme code.


Enter the code of the LN table that must be converted according to the conversion table. This overrides the rule in the Field Relations (Import) (daxch0522m000) session.

Note: The LN table is defined in the Table Definitions (ttadv4526m000) session.
Table Field

Enter the code of the field in the LN table that must be converted according to the conversion table. This overrides the rule in the Field Relations (Import) (daxch0522m000) session.

Conversion Table

The conversion relation that defines the conversion.

Note: The conversion is created in the Conversion Tables (daxch0105m000) session.