ASCII File Fields (daxch0103s000)

Use this session to create ASCII file fields in an ASCII file that is used in the exchange scheme.

You can use three methods to create an ASCII file field:

  • Copy an existing data definition file of an ASCII file generated during the data export.
  • Copy the definition from the LN table definitions if there is no ASCII data definition file available.
  • Define the ASCII file fields manually.
  • Do not create more than 250 fields per ASCII file.
  • To add more information, click the Text button on the toolbar to start the text editor.

Field Information

Exchange Scheme

exchange scheme

The exchange scheme is created in the Exchange Schemes (daxch0501m000) session.


The ASCII file name.

Every ASCII file that is linked to one or more LN tables must have a unique ASCII file name.

If you want to copy the of the LN table fields automatically, the ASCII file name must be the same as the LN table name. This is an option if you do not have a data definition file of the ASCII file.

The ASCII file is created in the ASCII Files (daxch0102m000) session.

Field Number

Enter a field number for the ASCII file field.

If a field separator is used, ASCII file fields are positioned according to this number.

The field separator is defined in the Exchange Schemes (daxch0101s000) session.


The number is increased automatically: when you define a new ASCII file field, LN enters a number of value ten greater than the field with the highest value.

The order of fields specified by the field number is important, not the actual field number. Because numbers like 10, 20, 30, and so on are used, it is easy to insert field numbers at a later stage.


Enter the name of the ASCII file field.

This field is automatically filled in if a data definition file of the ASCII file or LN table is used.

The ASCII field is associated with the data found in the physical ASCII file in a certain column. These fields are mapped to LN table fields in the import and export file relation sessions.


Enter the description of the ASCII field.

Field Type

Enter the data type of the ASCII field.

Allowed values


All string fields and multibyte fields can be grouped as alphanumeric fields.


All longs, doubles, or other numeric types and dates, text numbers, and so on, should be grouped as numeric fields.

Note: Define a field as numeric if it is used for making calculations in condition scripts.
Multiline Text

Special option that adds unlimited lined of text to the physical ASCII file. If the ASCII file contains actual text lines instead of a text number the corresponding ASCII file field should be of the type multiline. Multiline texts in the ASCII file are enclosed in unique character sequences like {\{ and }\}.

Start Position

Enter the column number in an ASCII file where the ASCII file field starts.

The start position declares the position of the data in physical ASCII file.

If no field separator is defined in the details session of the Exchange Schemes (daxch0501m000) session, the start position must be specified.

Note: If this field is changed, you do not have to generate the import program or the export program again.

The length of an ASCII file field, which is alphanumeric or numeric, with a variable length must be specified. No length is specified for an ASCII file field with a fixed length.

  • If this field is changed, you do not have to generate the import program or the export program again.
  • The length of an ASCII file field that represents a multiline text is zero.
Date Format

Define a Date Format for a numeric field in an ASCII file.

If no date format is defined for an ASCII file field, the Default Date Format will be used.

If the ASCII file field was created using LN audit files, the Default Date Format must be set to LN Number.

Note: If this field is changed, you do not have to generate the import program or the export program again.
Floating Decimal

If this check box is selected, the decimal point can be placed at any position in the ASCII file field without the decimal actually being present.

The number of digits after the decimal point must be specified in the following field.

Nr. of Digits after Decimal

The number of digits after a floating decimal point defines where the decimal point is placed in a numeric field.

If the Floating Decimal check box is not selected, this field appears dimmed.

Note: If this field is changed, you must generate the import program or the export program again.
ASCII Field Text

If this check box is selected, additional information is available for this ASCII file field. The information is generated in the text editor.

Click "Edit Text" on the toolbar to start the text editor.