Print Roles (tgbrg8410m000)

Use this session to print a selected range of roles by version.

Field Information


If this check box is selected, the employees that meet the following conditions are printed:

  • The employees fall within the range of employees that you have selected.
  • The employees are linked to one or more roles that fall within the range of roles that you have selected.
  • The roles are linked to one or more versions that fall within the range of versions that you have selected.

If this check box is selected, the subroles that meet the following conditions are printed:

  • The roles are linked to one or more roles that fall within the range of roles that you have selected.
  • The roles are linked to one or more versions that fall within the range of versions that you have selected.
Business Processes

If this check box is selected, the business processes that meet the following conditions are printed:

  • The business processes fall within the range of business processes that you have selected.
  • Have a one or more roles linked to them that fall within the range of roles that you have selected.
  • The roles are linked to one or more version that fall within the range of versions that you have selected.