Models (pdpdm1105m100)
Field Information
- Document
The code of the document.
- Document Revision
The revision number of the parent document.
- Description
The description or name of the code.
- Status
The status of the document.
- Created By
The name of the user who creates the document.
- Created On
The date and time when the document is created.
- Item
The code of the item.
- Item Revision
The revision number of the model linked to the document .
- Description
The description or name of the code.
- Status
The status of the model linked to the document.
- Item Type
The characteristics of the model.
- Originating App
The application using which the model is created.
- Status
The status of the model.
Allowed values
- Draft
- Released
- Under Change
- Obsolete
- Effective From
The date and time from when the effectivity of the model is applicable.
- Description
The description or name of the code.
- Effective To
The date and time up to which the effectivity of the model is applicable. The application sets the date when a new revision of the document is released.
- Life Cycle
The stage at which the document is, in the production life cycle. This is used to track the document through the various phases (from design to production).
Allowed values
- Editing
- Pending Approval
- Limited Available
- General Available
- Superseded
- Withdrawn
- Not Implemented
- Created
- CAD Instance Name
The name of the variant in the CAD family.
- Security Access Level
The level of security access provided to the user.
Allowed values
- Unrestricted
- Restricted
- Confidential
- Secret
- Top Secret
- PLM Project
The PLM project for which the model is created.
- Description
The description or name of the code.