
In Global HR, many employee details are available. Some of these details are relevant to the People package of LN, but could not be exchanged.

The information that Global HR can provide to LN through a BOD has been extended.

This information can now be exchanged:

  • Employment
  • Trade Group
  • Supervisor
  • Working Time Schedule
  • Qualifications of type Credential
Note:  In GHR, employment is available as a total by year, in LN by week. Based on GHR employment, a factor is used to calculate employment in LN.

For example: 1,872 (by year) / 52 (weeks) = 36 hours (by week)

These constraints are applicable for the integration:

  • The integration is available only as part of the multi-tenant cloud.
  • The focus is on exchanging data that is relevant to LN, for example, for hours accounting or planning, or on data that was already available. It is not the intention to dump all data from GHR to LN.
  • In GHR, the employee code is numeric.
  • Qualification codes can only be 9 characters. The short description rather than the long description in GHR is used to update LN.
  • These codes must be the same for both products:
    • Department (Cost Center)
    • Trade Group (Job Code)
    • Working Time Schedule
    • Title

    It must be verified periodically whether these codes are still in sync.