Inventory in transit report

A new In Transit Inventory report can be printed in the Print In Transit Inventory (whinr1410m300) session. The report provides an overview of company inventory that is on the move and not stored in a warehouse. This concerns only inventory that is transferred from one warehouse to another. Items that are shipped to, for example, customers or projects, or items that are issued to production lines or service departments are excluded.

The report shows item inventory quantities and values on warehouse transfer orders which are issued at the origin warehouse, but are not yet received in the destination warehouse. These open inter-warehouse transfer orders represent inventory that is loaded on trucks or other means of transport, or located at intermediate pooling points such as harbors and train stations.

The quantities and values are retrieved from the Item-Warehouse-Inventory Transactions and the Inventory Integration Transactions sessions.

In the Print In Transit Inventory (whinr1410m300) session, a range of warehouse valuation groups, warehouses, items, transaction dates, etc. can be specified. Additional print options are available that determine if only item quantities must be printed or if insight into both quantities and inventory value is required. Quantities and values can also be aggregated by site and destination or origin warehouse.