Report designer

The Report Designer has been enhanced with several features. Some features deliver new functionality while others improve usability.

Exact positioning

For reports that are printed to PDF, exact positioning is now available in the Report Designer. The position is related to the paper definition as set in the Report Designer. With exact positioning, these features are enabled for users:

  • Control over where fields are placed in the document, including horizontal and vertical alignment of content within the fields and objects.
  • Full control over the position of report sections, for example, the location of totals.
  • Alignment of fields through new main panel rulers.

Printing to Excel

A personalized report can be printed to an MS Excel document. New properties are now available to specify the row and column position in MS Excel for fields, labels, images and barcodes. This is useful for controlled output to MS Excel of generated reports, which generate ‘data dumps’. Users can create a fully formatted output in MS Excel format.