Global Stock Point Blocking (whwmd6230m000)

Use this session to block or unblock a range of stock points.

  1. Under Block, select Block or Unblock as required.
  2. In the Reason for (Un)Blocking field, select the appropriate reason code.
  3. Under Selection Range, specify the ranges as required.
  4. To block or unblock stock points based on the shelf life, select the By Product Expiration Date check box, then specify a date and time as required. The stock points within the ranges entered will be blocked or unblocked if the expiry date is before the date entered here. To narrow down the selection, you can select the Only Items with Limited Shelf Life check box.
  5. To print a report of the blocked or unblocked stock points, select the Print Changes check box.
  6. Click (Un)Block.
  • When you start to block or unblock, your logon code and the current date and time are recorded. LN stores this information to prevent other users from (un)blocking these lots.
  • Blocking and unblocking a stock point will affect the inventory data recorded in the Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000) session.

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Choose whether you want to block or to unblock stock points.

Reason for (Un)Blocking

The reason of the blocking. This reason can be linked to a blocking of a zone, location, lot, stock point, or serialized item.

You can only select a reason of one of the following types:

  • Inventory Blocking excluding EP
  • Inventory Blocking including EP
By Business Partner

If this check box is selected, LN allows you to (un)block the lots for a specific business partner.

Business Partner

The code of the business partner for whom the lots must be (un) blocked.


This field is enabled only if the By Business Partner check box is selected.


The name of the business partner.

By Product Expiration Date

If this check box is selected, inventory whose product expiry date occurs before the specified date is (un)blocked.

Only Items with Limited Shelf Life

If this check box is selected, only items with a limited product shelf life are (un)blocked.

Create Non-conforming Material Report

If this check box is selected, LN allows you to create a non-conforming material report for the newly blocked stockpoints.


This field is enabled only if the Non-Conformance Implemented check box is selected in the Quality Management Parameters (qmptc0100m000) session

This field is enabled only if the Block option is selected in the Block/Unblock field.

Print Changes

If this check box is selected, the changes in the blocking status of the stockpoints within the selection will be printed while (un)blocking.