Location Blocking by Transaction (whwmd6111m000)

Use this session to block or unblock locations for a specific transaction.

A block is imposed on a location for a specific transaction by selecting the transaction. Blocked locations are no longer available for transactions where the block was set. The same block is lifted by clearing the transaction.

When a block for a specific transaction on a specific location is set, this is reflected in the Warehouse - Location (whwmd3100s000) session.



The code of the warehouse where the location is situated.


The code that identifies an inventory location within a warehouse. For each warehouse, many locations can be defined.


If this check box is selected, all types of transactions of the location are blocked.

This check box is selected if a block is set for the location in the Zone/Location Blocking (whwmd6110m000) session.


If this check box is selected, the location is blocked for inbound movement.


This field is dimmed if the Inbound check box is cleared.


If this check box is selected, the location is blocked for inbound movement.


This field is dimmed if the Inbound check box is cleared.


If this check box is selected, the location is blocked for outbound movement.


This field is dimmed if the Outbound check box is cleared.


If this check box is selected, the location is blocked for inward transfer.


This field is dimmed if the Transfer (Receipt) check box on the Warehouse - Location (whwmd3100s000) session is cleared.


If this check box is selected, the location is blocked for outgoing transfer.


This field is dimmed if the Transfer (Issue) check box on the Warehouse - Location (whwmd3100s000) session is cleared.


If this check box is selected, the location is blocked for assembly.

An assembly location can be blocked for assembly (temporarily). This blocking can prevent assembly activities from being accepted at this location.


This field is dimmed if the Inbound check box is cleared.