Handling Unit Templates (whwmd4160m000)

Use this session to view and maintain the handling unit template for the selected package definition.

  • If you accessed this session from the Package Definitions (whwmd4110m000) session, you are viewing the handling unit template for the general-level package definition. If you accessed this session from the Item - Package Definitions (whwmd4130m000) session, you are viewing the handling unit template for the item-level package definition.
  • You cannot delete item-level package definitions if there is inventory present that is stored in the package definition for the item. In addition, the package definition levels and handling unit templates on item level must be deleted before a package definition by item can be deleted.


HU Template

The code of the handling unit template. This code is generated by LN.

Package Definition

The code of the package definition to which the current handling unit template belongs.

Package Definition Type

The package definition type of the package definition to which the current handling unit template belongs.

Related topics

Parent Node

The parent node of the current node.

Related topics


The number of the current node.

Packaging Item Quantity

The quantity of the packaging item that is used for the current node. For example, the parent node has 1 packaging item Pallet, and the child node has 100 packaging items Box.

Packaging Item

A packaging item is a piece of packing material that is defined as a packaging item in LN, for example, box, pallet, crate, and so on.

Stacking Height

The maximum number of layers for a packaging level.

  • By default, this value is set to one, if the Packaging Item Quantity is greater than zero.
  • This value must be specified if the Packaging Item Quantity is more than zero.
  • This value must not exceed the Packaging Item Quantity.

If this check box is selected, for each packing item defined for the node, a handling unit and a label is generated for each packaging item of the current level. These labels can be printed. In this way, each existing packing item is uniquely identified. For example, if the current level contains 10 boxes, 10 labels and 10 handling units are generated.

If this check box is cleared, one handling unit is generated for the current level regardless of the number of packaging items.

Auxiliary Packaging

If this check box is selected, auxiliary packaging is defined for the node. To define auxiliary packaging for a node, highlight the node in the overview mode of the current session and select Auxiliary Packaging on the appropriate menu to access the Handling Unit Template Node - Auxiliary Packaging (whwmd4162m000) session.


The item that is packed. You can only enter items for Mixed package definitions.

If you access the handling unit template from the Package Definitions (whwmd4110m000) session, only the items defined for Mixed package definitions are displayed.

If you access the handling unit template from the Item - Package Definitions (whwmd4130m000) session, the item that you link to the current packaged definition is displayed.

Label Layout

The code applied for single-item handling units. For details, refer to the online Help of the Label Layout field in the Handling Units (whwmd5130m000) session.

Multi-Item Label Layout

The label layout code applied for multi-item handling units. This label layout code is linked to handling units when LN generates the handling units. LN generates only single-item handling units. The composition of multi-item handling units is a manual process. You can change a single-item handling unit into a multi-item handling unit. When you change a single-item handling unit into a multi-item handling unit, often a different label layout is applied. You can modify the label layout code.

LN also allows you to specify the second (mixed) label layout code in the package definition. The only exception is the lowest level of the package definition which contains the child level handling units. LN uses the second label layout when a single-item handling unit, (usually generated by LN) is manually changed into a mixed-item handling unit. You can change the second label layout code at handling unit level.

For more information, refer to Automatic Labeling of Multi-Item Handling Unit field of the Warehouses (whwmd2500m000) session.


If no label layout code is specified, the LN retrieves the label layout codes defined at warehouse order activity level or warehouse level.

Item Quantity in Storage Unit

The quantity of the item that is packed for the current node. The item quantity is expressed in the storage unit of the item.

Storage Unit

The unit in which the item quantity is expressed.

Item Quantity inInventory Unit

The quantity of the item that is packed for the current node. The item quantity is expressed in the inventory unit of the item.

Inventory Unit

The unit in which the item quantity is expressed.

Multi-owner handling unit is allowed

If this check box is selected, it indicates whether handling unit can contain children that belong to different owners.

Full Packages Only

If this check box is selected, on a specific node/ packaging level within the handling unit template, this node must contain only full packages. When for Example, the full package quantity is 10, the planned warehouse order in Order Management always has a quantity that is a multiple of 10. For example, 10, 20, 30, 50, 100 etc., A quantity of 35 is not allowed. The packages within the node/ level for which this check box is selected must only be shipped fully.


You can view this field only if the Use Contracts for Schedules check box is selected in the Sales Schedule Parameters (tdsls0100s500) session.

If this field is enabled for a parent node, all the related child nodes are also full packages. If the packaging item is not defined, LN defaults the value for this field from for the node that has the packaging item defined.

This field is applicable only if the origin of the warehouse order Sales Schedule.

Full Layers Only

If this check box is selected, the layer of the packaging level must be filled.

  • By default, this check box is cleared.
  • You cannot select this check box if:

    • The top level is not filled or the packaging item is not specified.
    • The Labeled check box is cleared.
    • Virtual Node check box is selected.
Fill Up With

The type of the handling units. If the layer of a packaging level must be filled, the selected type of handling units are considered to fill the layer.

Allowed values

Fill Up With

  • This field is enabled only if the Full Layers Only check box is selected.
  • By default, this field is set to:
    • Not Applicable and cannot be modified if the Full Layers Only check box is cleared.
    • Empty Handling Units if the Full Layers Only check box is selected. However, you can also set this value to Full Handling Units.
Single Reference

If this check box is selected, LN allows only single packaging reference for the selected node.


Related topics

Virtual Node

If this check box is selected, the current node is virtual. You cannot specify a packaging item quantity or an item quantity, because the Item Quantity in Storage Unit and Packaging Item Quantity fields are unavailable.

This check box is only available for bottom-level nodes.

Single Packaging Reference A

If this check box is selected, LN allows only single packaging reference A for the selected node.

Single Packaging Reference B

If this check box is selected, LN allows only single packaging reference B for the selected node.

Allow Multi Stock Point for Shipping

If this check box is selected, handling units for the current node that are generated during picking or shipping can include multiple stock points.


If this check box is selected for a child node, this check box is also selected for the related parent nodes.

Allow Multi Item for Shipping

If this check box is selected, LN generates multi-item handling units during the creation of shipment line handling units. However, the package definitions of the items must match. The packaging items used and the node setup of the handling units must match. If there is a difference, packages for these items cannot be merged into a multi-item handling unit.

  • If this check box is selected for a child node, LN also selects this check box for the related parent nodes.
  • This check box is unavailable for bottom-level nodes.
  • To allow multi-item handling units to be created for shipment lines, the Single Line per Shipment check box in the Warehousing Order Types (whinh0110m000) session must be cleared. This is because multi-item handling units can only be created for shipment lines residing within the same shipment.