Warehouse - Dock Locations (whwmd2120m000)

Use this session to set up and manage the search structure for docks. Docks can be assigned to a business partner or an item, and can be of type Receiving or Staging.

If the dock is of type:

  • Receiving: you can assign the dock to a ship-from business partner.
  • Staging: you can assign the dock to a ship-to business partner.

Dock locations are used, for example, if items must be received into a specific dock because these items require a special form of transport.

Locations are created in the Warehouse - Locations (whwmd3500m000) session. Locations used as docks have one of the location types that indicate the dock locations. You can enter these dock locations into the search structure. For more information, refer to Dock locations - search criteria

Only warehouses that use locations, as indicated in the locations field, can use dock locations. These warehouses must have at least one dock location of type Receiving and one of type Staging, however, they can have more.

Performance aspects

A limited number of staging and dock locations may affect system performance. For more information, refer to Number of staging locations.



The warehouse code.

Dock Type
Dock Location

dock For more information, refer to Dock locations - search criteria

Storage Zone

The storage zone.


The item code.


The description of the item.

Package Definition

A particular configuration of items and their packaging. A package definition for an item can, for example, be the following: a pallet contains 12 boxes and each box contains 4 pieces.


The description of the package definition.

Rush Order

If this check box is selected, the order is a rush order.

Ship-from Code

The ship-from type of the warehousing order for which the current dock location is selected.


The field is unavailable in case the dock type is Staging.

Ship-from Code

A code used, together with the ship-from type, to identify the exact source of a warehousing order.

Ship-to Code

The ship-to type is used, together with the ship-to code, to identify where goods are shipped to.

The ship-to type can have the following values:

  • Business Partner
  • Warehouse
  • Work Center
  • Project

The field is unavailable in case the dock type is Receiving.

Ship-to Code

A code used, together with the ship-to type, to identify where goods are shipped to.


An organization that provides transport services. You can link a default carrier to both ship-to and ship-from business partners. In addition, you can print sales and purchase orders on a packing list, sorted by carrier.

For ordering and invoicing, you must define a carrier as a business partner.


An organization that provides transport services. You can link a default carrier to both ship-to and ship-from business partners. In addition, you can print sales and purchase orders on a packing list, sorted by carrier.

For ordering and invoicing, you must define a carrier as a business partner.


Line of travel from your warehouses to the ship-to or ship-from business partner's warehouse and vice versa. Use routes to group business partners that are located in the same area or along one convenient route.

You can arrange addresses by routes to print picking lists and shipping notes sorted by route.


The field is not available in case the Standard Route or Route Plan is specified.


Line of travel from your warehouses to the ship-to or ship-from business partner's warehouse and vice versa. Use routes to group business partners that are located in the same area or along one convenient route.

You can arrange addresses by routes to print picking lists and shipping notes sorted by route.

Delivery Terms

The terms or agreements concerning the delivery of goods.

Delivery Terms

The terms or agreements concerning the delivery of goods.

Standard Route

A standard route is a fixed route that is traveled with a particular frequency, such as a truck that visits delivery and/or loading addresses according to a fixed schedule, a rail service, or a boat service. Usually, transportation via standard routes costs less than travel via non-fixed routes. For example, you can define a route like Amsterdam via Rotterdam to Antwerp that is run once a day.

  • The field is unavailable in case the Freight Management (FM) check box is not selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0500m000) session.
  • The field is unavailable in case the Route is specified.
Standard Route

A standard route is a fixed route that is traveled with a particular frequency, such as a truck that visits delivery and/or loading addresses according to a fixed schedule, a rail service, or a boat service. Usually, transportation via standard routes costs less than travel via non-fixed routes. For example, you can define a route like Amsterdam via Rotterdam to Antwerp that is run once a day.

Route Plan

A network of loading and unloading addresses, one of which is a pooling point. A route plan is usually defined for routes that involve multi-modal transport. A route plan consists of one or more legs. Each leg, or part of the route, can be handled differently depending on the specified transport category and transport means group.

  • The field is unavailable in case the Freight Management (FM) check box is not selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0500m000) session.

  • The field is unavailable in case the Route is specified.

Route Plan

A network of loading and unloading addresses, one of which is a pooling point. A route plan is usually defined for routes that involve multi-modal transport. A route plan consists of one or more legs. Each leg, or part of the route, can be handled differently depending on the specified transport category and transport means group.

Transport Means Group

A classification used to group means of transport, such as:

  • Vans
  • Trucks
  • Container ships
  • Cargo aircraft

For each group, properties are defined, such as:

  • The average speed
  • The loading capacity

Each means of transport defined in Freight belongs to a transport means group. For example, transport means group: Vans, means of transport: van with licence number XX333444 .

  • The field is unavailable in case the Freight Management (FM) check box is not selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0500m000) session.

  • The field is unavailable in case the Transport Means Combination is specified.

Transport Means Group

A classification used to group means of transport, such as:

  • Vans
  • Trucks
  • Container ships
  • Cargo aircraft

For each group, properties are defined, such as:

  • The average speed
  • The loading capacity

Each means of transport defined in Freight belongs to a transport means group. For example, transport means group: Vans, means of transport: van with licence number XX333444 .

Transport Means Combination

A combined means of transport that consists of various vehicle types and/or means of transport which jointly transport a load. If a transport means combination includes more than one means of transport, Freight can perform load building for more than one means of transport per load. Transport means combinations are also used in freight order clustering. A transport means combination shows the combined means of transport that is to transport the goods listed on a freight order cluster.

  • The field is unavailable in case the Freight Management (FM) check box is not selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0500m000) session.

  • The field is unavailable in case the Transport Means Group is specified.

Transport Means Combination

A combined means of transport that consists of various vehicle types and/or means of transport which jointly transport a load. If a transport means combination includes more than one means of transport, Freight can perform load building for more than one means of transport per load. Transport means combinations are also used in freight order clustering. A transport means combination shows the combined means of transport that is to transport the goods listed on a freight order cluster.

Transport type

A code that refers to special properties of a means of transport, or of a transport means group, such as:

  • Cold storage
  • Armored; high security

Transport types are used in the load building and freight order clustering engines of the Freight package. The main purpose of Transport types is to ensure that items are transported by a means of transport that has particular properties. Transport types are also used as a criterion to determine the costs of transportation.


The field is unavailable in case the Freight Management (FM) check box is not selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0500m000) session.

Transport type

A code that refers to special properties of a means of transport, or of a transport means group, such as:

  • Cold storage
  • Armored; high security

Transport types are used in the load building and freight order clustering engines of the Freight package. The main purpose of Transport types is to ensure that items are transported by a means of transport that has particular properties. Transport types are also used as a criterion to determine the costs of transportation.



Reassigns the numbers to the priorities. The lowest number is given the highest priority and vice-versa. The highest priority is number 10, followed by 20, 30, and so on in decreasing order. Example Two priorities are assigned the following numbers:

  • Priority A is assigned the number 5000.

  • Priority B is assigned the number 10000.

If you renumber, the following numbers are assigned to the priorities:

  • Priority A is assigned the number 10.

  • Priority B is assigned the number 20.


Assigns higher priority to the selected record.


Assigns lower priority to the selected record.